35 thoughts on “Architecture Concept Map”

  1. The concept map represents how the subject of Architecture is broken down into several areas. It shows the student what’s the characteristics of each topic. For example, materials are broken down into 4 different elements; Masonry, Wood, Steel, and Concrete. Each of these elements has a distinct look and has different methods to install. The concept map shows the student what he/she should pay attention too when designing a structure. In the end, the concept map is an organizer for students to understand the procedure of architecture.

  2. The concept map breaks down the important principles in which make up the architecture. It describes the types of materials as well as points out the relationship that ties all principles together. Architecture does not focus only on one thing, rather focuses on multiple points one should be aware of while creating a structure. This concept map shows you what exactly you should be focusing on in each category. For example, when you are thinking about space, you should think about incorporating circulation stairs. When you are thinking about materials, you have to think about the four principles, masonry, wood, steel, concrete, and how it will be incorporated into your design.

  3. This concept map shows the different elements of Architecture. For example, ”Architecture” is broken down to 3 different categories representing the use of Architecture; those 3 components are then connected to ”Space” right under because Architecture is space that is later matched with a concept and then built. ”Space” is broken down to materials and structure to give you an idea of what the space is consists of. Under ”Materials” are all the materials that is needed to create a piece of architecture and under “Structure” are the different structures to fill out the space. This concept map breaks down all the elements of making a house/building, it also makes it easier to get an understanding of the process it takes for coming up with a piece of architecture .

  4. When I looked at the diagram I first stopped at space because, in my opinion, it is where architecture starts. Architecture is the designing of spaces for public or private use, occasionally, these spaces can be used for one function or multiple depending on the purpose. The majority of all spaces, if not all, are created with a program in mind. What I mean when I say a program is a reason why they get created, some examples of that are for shelter, community, relaxation, and the list goes on. After the purpose of the space is found then we can start looking at the materials that are going to be used depending on the structure. The materials make a big difference because if the space is going to be used as a shelter that means that it is going to need hard materials that are probably going to last longer and cover whatever is inside the structure but if we talk about relaxation sometimes the spaces can be left open and using materials more fragile as we see in parks and other public places.

  5. I really enjoyed looking at the concept map. It helped visualize in a clear and compact way components that are foundations of architecture and how they connect to each other from the broadest to the more narrow. Last semester in Arch Design 1, explored the top half of the map and I very much am looking forward to continuing that and also learning more about the bubbles on the bottom of the map.

  6. The concept map is used to give perspective to the student(s). It shows the order of factors to consider, for example, before contemplating which materials to use for the project, a consideration of function is required.
    Also, by branching into subcategories, room is given for a better understanding of architecture’s complexities. The map allows factors that may have been overlooked or not considered, such as options of materials, to have focus.
    The concept map represents the basic elements of architecture/ traditional building materials. By doing so, it allows room for personal discoveries, for example, researching other forms of materials such as steel, glass, and durable plastics such as Teflon.

  7. Braulio Martinez Reflection

    While going through the concept map, I realized the first three bubbles under architecture are the vitruvian triad. The vitruvian triad being venustas, firmitas and utilitas. It was a concept that I learned during my first year of architecture and I was told that my design always had to meet the requirements of the three. A building must have beauty but also serve a function and have a firmness to it.

    I then kept going down the concept map to see space and it made me remember that architecture is crating space. It’s not just about building a structure, it’s about forming a space that can be used in everyday life. I will say I was a little intimidated when I saw the load bearing walls and point load bubble l, because I took a strength of materials class and I could never remember which formulas to use, and that always confused me.

  8. The first thing this concept map shows are three subdivisions of it such as: Space, Materials and Structure. It clearly shows the most important or basic materials of Architecture. I cannot say Space is more important than materials or structure. What I can understand is that they can not make or create architecture without each other. Space is something important in architecture. When the architect starts projecting something, he/she must be careful how much space is making , he/she must understand the relation between space and the building and how much the person who is going to be in that building will be comfortable in that space. Also with the same importance are the Materials. Without material we do not have buildings. This concept map shows the wood, masonry, concrete and steel like the most useful in architecture. Even space , materials and structure have subdivisions. Finally, the structure. I read something about structure. It is the set of physical and digital components.

  9. When I first saw a concept map I couldn’t help but thinking about Vitruvius’ three principles of architecture: durability, utility and beauty. Studying the map in detail I paid attention to a “Space” circle, what reminded me of a space, figure and ground relation. And in fact, architecture can not only be imposed by space and its background, but it can create its own unique space as a figure, for example, an atrium is created by surrounding walls , can be considered to be an architecture itself. And of course materials and structure are essential elements which provide inseparable harmony and integrity to architecture.

  10. I have found this concept map very helpful because sometimes when there is too much information it is hard for students to distinguish the order or the main points of a subject. This concept map also breaks down a subject in visual order, which facilitate students in their process of understanding what is inside each branch of this concept. I personally think that it is easier to study concept maps because they are organized.

  11. I think that when we think of architecture, many things come to mind. This concept map helps visualize the key components that make up architecture. It shows us how all of these pieces are connected and how they relate with one another. When in the design process, this concept map can be helpful because it shows areas that you should be aware of and take into consideration when designing. We are able to look at subcategories and their examples. Such as the materials bubble where we are given masonry, wood, steel, and concrete as examples that we can use. With this concept map we can see what we may or may not have thought about before when designing something to make sure that we have included all the key components in the design to better serve its purpose. This makes it easier to get a better understanding of architecture and what it is.

    1. The main purpose of the concept map is to help understand the relationships of the component (not as a check list when designing). the concept map will as you said visualize the key concepts but will also need to me supplemented with notes and an understanding of the listed concepts.

  12. The map concept explains what are the factors we need to have in mind at the time to design. Architecture is not only design. We need to think about firmness, a building needs to be constructed steadily, we need to think about purpose, a building needs to have an utility and also, we need to think about beauty, a building needs to be pleasant to the sight. Based on those elements we are going to create spaces having in mind how a person can walk through that space as well as the materials that needs to be used whether it be wood, steel, concrete or masonry.

  13. This concept map clearly represents the functionality of an architecture. By observing the concept map it help you understand the nature of the job of an architect. When I started my major I had difficulty describing what an architect was. this map defines the duty of an architect as being responsible for providing useful and functional shelter for living and none living. An architect should always consider elements that should be factored into his/her design such as space circulation, material, structure, etc.

    1. good response but be careful not to assume the responsibility that others would have (structure, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, etc), architects need to be knowledgeable and yes have some responsibility of it.

  14. When I looked at the architecture concept map it reminded me of what Professor Magnes taught us about how Vitruvius described successful architecture. The three main ideas are Firmitas, Utilitas and Venustas. Firmitas means durability. Utilitas means serving a purpose and Venustas meant creation of an experience. Last semester I learnt how to observe architecture from the inside out and from the outside in: to actually imagine what the experience would be in a specific space. I was fascinated how with as little as two planes, external form and internal space can be created. I look forward to exploring more architectural concepts within this class this semester.

  15. The idea of the concept map is very helpful in my opinion. It was useful because it was able to break down all the information in different categories and subcategories; which is helpful when there is a lot of information to read through and process. With this concept map (Architecture) in particular, it allowed me to better grasp of what is Architecture in an organized matter and understand the subcategories such as space, materials, and structure in a more simplified manner.

  16. The concept map is very helpful for students to understand what exactly is architecture. The map breaks down architecture into different elements and ideas. This helps a person understand that architecture is more then just designing. The concept map shows that we need to take in account all these ideas and concepts to create something bigger and better. The concept map shows that all these elements are connected to each other and create this idea of architecture and this is what we as students need to understand and learn.

  17. Architecture is an idea that later becomes a special design or an art that makes space look more stand out and interesting. Architects are very open minded, that’s why they can see one thing differently, it either can be from a different perspective or from another point of view. Every single idea can make a house or a building more creative.
    Creativity is a huge role in architecture because you can build something that looks completely different from the material that you used to design that specific building. Additionally, architects use their knowledge in order to effectively use the space and distribute it as a client wants to. Also, they have to design building so it will be functional and useful.

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