Professor Loo | Arch 1231 D067 | Fall 2024

Category: Assignment Info

Submission Formatting

Files:  All students submissions must be in PDF format (not jpeg). All files (drawings, reading notes, sketch assignments) must be named as follows, starting with your name:


LastName_FirstName_ARCH1231_D067_2024_FA_Professor_Mod#_Assignment#.pdf… Read More

Reading Presentation Groups

Each group will be assigned two readings (see below) to present to the rest of the class during the semester. Presentations should be approximately 20-30 minutes, with all group members … Read More

Module 3


This assignment combines the development of a three dimensional representation of the selected floor(s) of the case study building and the application of a system(s) of structure to span … Read More

Module 2


This assignment focuses on the design of the exterior wall assembly for the case study building, utilizing masonry as the primary material. Each student will develop a system for … Read More

Module 1


Plans, Sections, and Elevations are the most basic drawings for studying buildings, giving clear primary information about the nature of the building. For the Module 1 drawing assignment, we … Read More