• Location: V812
  • Topic:
    • Egress
    • Architectural Drawings – Floor Plans
  • Activities & Due Dates:
    • Reading Group Assignments
    • Group members area still responsible for completing and submitting their individual reading notes as well as Group presentation.
    • Review and discuss Reading #2 notes, concept maps.
      • Kahoot!
    • Module 1 Floor plan drawings
      • Pin-up and review of Floor plan drawing
    • Constructing the plan – Building Section
      • How to read drawings
      • Standard drawing conventions
      • Drawing coordination
    • Orthographic Projection, References, Grids, and Geometry
    • Module I: Federal Hall Building Section
      • Demo
      • Video
    • GROUP 1 Presentation Strategy Session
  • Homework Due September 14
    • Reading #3, Ching BCI on
      • Stair Design (+Special Construction) 9.02-9.03
      • Stair Requirements (Codes)  9.04-9.05
      • Stair Plans (Configurations)  9.06-9.07
      • Wood Stairs  9.08-9.09
      • GROUP 1 to prepare and present reading #3 on Sept 15.
    • Module I:
      • Complete First Floor Plan
      • Start Building Section Grid
      • Pin-Up Plan in class