CLASS 01 – Course Introduction

Thursday August 25

  • Link to Class 1 Agenda
  • Location: V812
  • Topic: Course Introduction
  • Assignments & Due Dates:
    • Module I – Assignment #1: Case Study Order and Geometry Diagram
      • Due Wednesday Aug 31, 11 pm
    • Reading #1 – Building Systems:
      • For specific pages see Reading List on Arch 1231 Building Tech I Course Hub
      • Due Wednesday Aug 31, 11 pm

CLASS 02 – Architectural Drawing

Thursday September 01

  • Link to Class 2 Agenda
  • Location: V812
  • Topic: Architectural Drawing-Plan
  • Assignments & Due Dates:
    • Module I – Assignment #1: Case Study Floor Plan
      • Due Wednesday Sept 07, 11 pm
    • Reading #2 – Egress:
      • For specific pages see Reading List on Arch 1231 Building Tech I Course Hub
      • Due Wednesday Sept 07, 11 pm

CLASS 03 – Architectural Drawing & Egress

Thursday September 08

  • Link to Class 3 Agenda
  • Location: V812
  • Topic: Architectural Drawing-Plan/Section + Egress
  • Assignments & Due Dates:
    • Module I – Assignment #1: Case Study Plan Construction/Section
      • Due Wednesday Sept 14, 11 pm
    • Reading #3 – Stairs:
      • For specific pages see Reading List on Arch 1231 Building Tech I Course Hub
      • Due Wednesday Sept 14, 11 pm. Link Here
      • Group 1 Presentation of Reading #3 on Thursday Sept 15.

CLASS 04 – Architectural Drawing & Stairs

Thursday September 15

  • Link to Class 4 Agenda
  • Location: V812
  • Topic: Architectural Drawing-Elevation + Stairs
  • Assignments & Due Dates:
    • Module I – Assignment #1: Case Study Elevation
      • Due Wednesday Sept 21, 11 pm
    • Module 1 – SKETCH #1: Sketch a place and it’s Egress. Be sure to label all components of Egress
      • Due Wednesday Sept 21, 11 pm

CLASS 05 – Architectural Drawing & Elevation

Thursday September 22

  • Link to Class 5 Agenda
  • Location: V812
  • Topic:
    • Module 1 – Assignment #1 Pin-up
    • Sketch #1 Stair and Egress Pin–up
  • Assignments & Due Dates:
    • Module I – Assignment #1: Finalize + Submit Case Study Drawings
      • Due Wednesday Oct 05, 11 pm
        • Order/Geometry Sketches
        • Floor Plan
        • Building Section
        • Building Elevation
    • Reading #4 – Materials + Properties:
      • For specific pages see Reading List on Arch 1231 Building Tech I Course Hub
      • Due Thursday Oct 06, 11 pm
  • NO CLASS-September 29


Module 1 Submission Link – DUE Thursday October 06, 11pm

CLASS 06 – Materials & Properties

Thursday October 06

  • Link to Class 6 Agenda
  • Location: V812
  • Topic:
    • Module 2 Introduction and discussion on Materials and Properties
  • Assignments & Due Dates:
    • Module 2 – SKETCH #2: Masonry Bonding Sketch (Photo Diary)
      • Due Wednesday Oct 12, 11 pm
    • Reading #5 – Masonry Exterior Wall Assemblies:
      • For specific pages see Reading List on Arch 1231 Building Tech I Course Hub
      • Due Wednesday Oct 12, 11 pm

CLASS 07 – Masonry Exterior Walls Assemblies & Plan Detail

Thursday October 13

  • Link to Class 7 Agenda
  • Location: V812
  • Topic:
    • Tectonics and Performance in Masonry Exterior Wall Assemblies
    • Architectural Drawing – Exterior Wall Plan Detail
  • Assignments & Due Dates:
    • Module 2 – Assignment #2: Exterior Wall Plan Detail
      • Due Wednesday Oct 19, 11 pm
    • Reading #6 – Exterior Envelop, Moisture + Thermal Performance:
      • For specific pages see Reading List on Arch 1231 Building Tech I Course Hub
      • Due Wednesday Oct 19, 11 pm

CLASS 08 – Exterior Envelop, Moisture & Thermal Performance & Wall Section Detail

Thursday October 20

  • Link to Class 8 Agenda
  • Location: V812
  • Topic:
    • Tectonics and Performance in Masonry Exterior Walls; Exterior Envelop, Moisture & Thermal Performance
    • Architectural Drawing – Exterior Wall Section Detail
  • Assignments & Due Dates:
    • Module 2– Assignment #2: IN-CLASS: Complete Exterior Wall Plan Detail
  • Homework:
    • Start Exterior Wall Section Detail
    • Due Wednesday Oct 16, 11 pm
    • Module 2 – SKETCH #3: Masonry Wall Window with Lintel (Photo Diary)
      • Due Wednesday Oct 26, 11 pm
    • Reading #7 – Windows:
      • For specific pages see Reading List on Arch 1231 Building Tech I Course Hub
      • Due Wednesday Oct 26, 11 pm

CLASS 09 – Windows & Exterior Wall Section & Axonometric Detail

Thursday October 27

  • Link to Class 9 Agenda
  • Location: V812
  • Topic:
    • Tectonics and Performance in Masonry Exterior Walls; Windows
    • Architectural Drawing – Exterior Wall Axonomentric
  • Assignments & Due Dates:
    • Module 2– Assignment #2: Exterior Wall Axonometric
      • Due Wednesday Nov 02, 11 pm
    • Reading # 8 – Structural Forces + Components:For specific pages see Reading List on Arch 1231 Building Tech I Course Hub
      • Due Wednesday Nov 02, 11 pm

CLASS 10 – Structural Forces & Components

Thursday November 03

  • Link to Class 10 Agenda
  • Location:V812
  • Topic:
    • Structural Fundamentals: Span and Space
    • Module 2 – Assignment #2 PIN-UP
  • Assignments & Due Dates:
    • Module 2: Finalize + Submit Case Study Drawings
      • Due Thursday Nov 10, 11:00 pm


Module 2 Submission Link – DUE Thursday Nov 10, 11 pm

CLASS 11 – Structural Steel

Thursday November 10

  • Link to Class 11 Agenda
  • Location: V812
  • Topic:
    • Structural Fundamentals: Span and Space
  • Assignments & Due Dates:
    • Reading # 9 – Structural Steel: For specific pages see Reading List on Arch 1231 Building Tech I Course Hub
      • Due Wednesday Nov 16, 11 pm
    • Reading #10a – Structural Concrete + Wood:For specific pages see Reading List on Arch 1231 Building Tech I Course Hub
      • Due Wednesday Nov 16, 11 pm
    • Reading #10b – Wood:For specific pages see Reading List on Arch 1231 Building Tech I Course Hub
      • Due Wednesday Nov 16, 11 pm
    • Group Presentation – Steel/Structural Concrete /Wood:
      • For specific pages see Reading List on Arch 1231 Building Tech I Course Hub
      • Due Wednesday Nov 17, 8:30 am

CLASS 12 – Structural Concrete + Wood

Thursday November 17

  • Link to Class 12 Agenda
  • Location: V812
  • Topic: Structural Fundamentals: Span and Space
      • Structural Steel
      • Structural Concrete
      • Wood
  • Assignments & Due Dates:
    • Module 3 – IN CLASS – SKETCH #4: Structural Sketch and Calculations
      • Due Wednesday Nov 30, 11 pm
    • Module 3 – Assignment #3: Structural Calculations and Sections
      • Due Wednesday Nov 30, 11 pm
  • NO CLASS-November 24

CLASS 13 – Structural Calculations and Sections Review

Thursday December 01

  • Link to Class 13 Agenda
  • Location: V812
  • Topic: Structural Fundamentals: Span and Space
  • Assignments & Due Dates:
    • Module 3 – Assignment #3: Structural Axon
      • Due Wednesday Dec 07, 11 pm

CLASS 14 – Structural System Drawing Review

Thursday December 08

  • Link to Class 14 Agenda
  • Location: V812
  • Topic:
    • Structural Fundamentals: Span and Space
    • Module 3 – Assignment #3 Pin-up
  • Assignments & Due Dates:
    • Module 3 – Assignment #3: Finalize + Submit Structural Drawings
      • Due Wednesday Dec 14, 11 pm
    • Post-Read Assessment


Module 3 Submission Link – DUE December 14, 11pm

CLASS 15 – Class Wrap-Up & Activities

Thursday December 15

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