Your library is here for you!

Columbus Park in the Spring, Brooklyn.
Nandi Prince, Columbus Park in the Spring, Brooklyn, 2024. Author source.

We know that the week of finals can be stressful. During Finals week the City Tech Library has lots to offer:
Calculators that can be checked out and taken to class.
Extended hours.
Ask – A – Librarian 24/7 reference help, no commuting, speak to a librarian from where you are.
Free scholarly articles to complete end-of-semester projects.
Free workshops each day of finals 5/16 -5/22. They all start at noon, no registration required, join now from where you are!
5/16, 5/20, 5/22 are Unstructured Workshop Days – the learning activity is built around the attendees’ reference and research needs!
Additional details regarding workshops at the library can be obtained by emailing Prof. Prince –

Free scholarly articles to complete end-of-semester projects
Free workshops each day of finals 5/16 -5/22. They all start at noon, no registration required, join now from where you are!

5/16 – Unstructured Workshop Day
The learning activity is built around the attendees’ reference and research needs!

Don’t let last minute projects stress you out, login to today’s library workshop and leave with 2 articles!
May 17 @ noon

Database Searching Made Easier than Google
Learn how to click around a database and leave with relevant articles for your writing project.
May 18 @ noon

Library and College Jargon
Heard these terms and unsure of what they mean: Abstract, Boolean, Catalog, DOI, Peer-Review, Primary Source, Scholarly Source, Work Cited, Journals. Sign on and leave sounding like an academic library glossary.
May 19 @ noon

5/20- Unstructured Workshop Day
The learning activity is built around the attendees’ reference and research needs!

All about Newspapers
How to find local,regional and international newspapers. Citing Newspapers. Primary & Secondary Sources.Reviews.
May 21 @ noon

5/22 – Unstructured Workshop Day
The learning activity is built around the attendees’ reference and research needs!