Social Media and Privacy



Social media has changed the way people interact with one another. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, flickr, all allow us to share information about ourselves. We can easily learn details about one another, such as our favorite books, jobs, families, hometown and even our birth place and date. This leads to many privacy concerns that users may not fully understand.

A recent study by Columbia University looked at Facebook users’ flawed use of the site’s privacy settings. Researchers found that all 65 participants not only disclosed information they had meant to hide, but also hid data they wished to share. Participants also perceived that their privacy settings were also configured correctly.

Here are a few resources that can assist you in protecting your privacy on facebook:

– – This website demonstrates the ease in using facebook’s own search engine to discover status updates.
–          Time to Audit Your Facebook Privacy Settings – Gina Trapani
–          Protect Your Privacy Opt Out of Facebook’s New Instant Personalization – Yes You Have to Opt Out – Librarian by Day

Lastly, Steven Bellovin, one of the researchers in the Columbia study, suggests this to protecting your privacy: “The simplest thing is don’t post something you don’t want the world to see.”