Browser Beware! Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation Online.

Misinformation Word Cloud

Because of new technologies, information can travel to more people, more quickly, than ever before. Computers, cell phones, wi-fi, and social media have made access to information available to billions of people around the world. Unfortunately, this means dangerous, inaccurate, or false information can spread quickly, with negative consequences worldwide.

Thanks to the Internet, anyone can participate in creating information online. Anyone can pose as an expert on anything, making what they say believable. In fact, many people seem to believe information is true just because it is online. However, it’s important to remember that information can come from anyone and anywhere: it can be true; it can be false; it can be misleading. There is no easy way to sort out “good” information from “bad” information: misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation.

Misinformation: Misinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread unintentionally.

Disinformation: Disinformation is false information that is spread intentionally. It’s designed to manipulate the audience, mixing truth with false conclusions and lies. Disinformation is intended to mislead, misinformation is not.

Malinformation (or Propaganda): Malinformation is the systematic spread of information or ideas by an interested party, intending to promote a particular cause or point of view.

If we consume information without asking first how credible it is, we risk being duped. It is critical to know how to find reliable information online. So how can we distinguish complete and credible information from that which is misleading or incomplete? How do we avoid misinformation, disinformation, or propaganda?

Librarians and other information seekers often use the “RECAP” test to evaluate websites. RECAP stands for: Relevance, Expertise, Currency, Accuracy, Purpose. Evaluating online sources using RECAP is one way to avoid misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation.

Relevance: Is the article relevant? Read past the headline. Does the publication answer questions or provide information relevant to the topic? Who is the intended audience — general readers? Experts? Professionals in a particular field?

Expertise: Be wary of content published with no author credits. Who is the author? What are the author’s credentials? What makes them an authoritative source on this topic? Do they say where their information comes from? Do they provide citations and links to reliable sources? Is the website a personal blog or an established news source? Is the website satirical or a hoax?

Currency: Is this a recent article? If the article is not recent, its claims may no longer be relevant or may have been disproven. When was it published or posted? Is the information up to date or have there been any major changes since it was published?

Accuracy: Where does the information come from? Is it credible? Is it supported by evidence? Does the author name their sources? Do they provide citations or links to original research or primary source documents? Do the citations or links back up the information offered? Is there a bibliography or list of further readings?

Purpose: Does this article provoke an emotional response? Accurate content should inform. Inaccurate content is often written for the purpose of provoking anger, fear, happiness, or sadness in readers. Ask: Why was this information published or posted? Is its purpose educational, commercial or political? Does the author present multiple sides of an issue, or just one viewpoint? If published by an organization, is it non-profit or for-profit? Is there advertising on the page? Is the author actively trying to sell something?

Beyond RECAP, there are also well respected websites that track and debunk false information being spread online:

AP Fact Check


Before accepting or sharing information found online, no matter how harmless or uncontroversial it may seem, evaluate it! When we are careful and cautious about accepting what we read online, we help stop the spread of misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation.