Biographies in Encyclopedia Britannica

Did you know that the library provides access to online encyclopedias? Wikipedia isn’t the only encyclopedia on the internet these days; check out Encyclopedia Britannica ( as a great starting place for your research. (Remember: if you’re off campus, you’ll be asked to use your CUNYfirst login when clicking on the links in this blog post.)

In addition to giving topic overviews, Britannica is also a terrific source for biographies. Not sure why your professor keeps mentioning Freud’s work in your class? Read a quick biography to figure out what Freud’s deal was. Desperate to find a fashion designer to write a paper about? Browse biographies by profession (click under “known for”); you can even limit by nationality, time period, and gender, and then scan the results for some ideas.

This image shows the Biography Browse screen in Encyclopedia Britinnica. The display includes options to limit results by era, national/cultural association, what they're known for, and gender.

A biography in Britannica doesn’t give you all the info (we’d love to add a few more paragraphs to Aaliyah’s, but it’s a great starting point for context and keyword that you can use for further research.

(BRB, we’re reading all about Hypatia now.)