International Journal of Transformative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (IJTTL)

International Journal of Transformative Teaching and Learning in Higher EducationFaculty whose scholarship focuses on teaching and learning may be interested to learn that the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Stony Brook University recently launched a new journal, International Journal of Transformative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

This new journal is open access and does not require any author fees for publication.

Meet your library!

Hi Students! Did you know the library has a dedicated lab with Mac computers? Did you know that we have book scanners? Did you know that we have a graphic novel collection (with manga and anime titles) under the stairwell?

Now’s the time to visit your library and learn about all the cool stuff  (not just books) we have that you can borrow or use in the library and get to know the different areas in the library. Library tours meet outside the library and run about 30 minutes on the following dates.

Jan. 30, 1 pm
Feb. 6, 5 pm
Feb. 13, 1 pm
Feb. 25, 5 pm
Feb. 27, 1 pm

Spring 2025 Scholarly Publishing Workshops

These workshops support your publishing and teach you how to make yourself more visible and how to document the impact of your work.



Art and Alternative Scholarship Panel
April 4, 12:45 – 2:00 PM
This panel will explore the shifting landscapes of socially engaged and experimental art and research practices and how these shifts have the potential to transform institutional paradigms around scholarly impact.

Get Evidence! Scholarly Metrics for Your PARSE and CV
Tuesday, April 8, 1:00 – 2:00 PM

Covers Google Scholar Profile for citations and Google Scholar for journal rankings, Scimago for journal rankings, Altmetric Attention Scores for social media, and download reports from Academic Works (and other repositories). We’ll also touch on finding individual journal acceptance rates as well as Journal Impact Factors. The workshop will briefly address books and book chapters as well as other ways we can demonstrate the value and impact of our work.

Get Organized! Zotero Basics
May 5, 4:00-5:00 PM
Attendees will learn the capabilities of this powerful, free open-source reference management software program. The session covers the functionalities of the Zotero client, adding the Zotero plugin to your browser, and importing citations to generate a bibliography. To maximize our workshop time, please download Zotero from and create your username and password in the Zotero client software by going to EDIT > PREFERENCES > >SYNC

Our Scholarly Publishing Clinic is available on-demand and during our office hour at 4 PM every first Tuesday of the month. We provide one-on-one consultations as well as workshops that fit your schedule. Find more scholarly communications and publishing support from the library on our website. Questions? Contact Prof. Monica Berger


New book: Armed by Design: Posters and Publications of Cuba’s Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia, and Latin America (OSPAAAL)

Prof. Jen Hoyer, Assistant Professor and Eresources/Technical Services Librarian, with Hanna, Lani, Josh MacPhee, Vero Ordaz, and Sarah Seidman, recently edited a new edition of Armed by Design: Posters and Publications of Cuba’s Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia, and Latin America (OSPAAAL) ( Brooklyn, NY: Common Notions, 2025.)

Describe your scholarship or creative work to someone unfamiliar with the field.
This book is an updated and expanded edition of a 2014 publication with the same title, bringing together even more ideas and perspectives on the work of OSPAAAL and the project of international solidarity and presenting all content in four languages. With over 150 full-color images, it presents an unprecedented survey of the outputs of OSPAAAL. Support for this project was provided by a PSC-CUNY Award, jointly funded by the Professional Staff Congress and the City University of New York.

Find a copy of this book at City Tech Library

12/5–Know Your Rights, DACA, Immigrant Families, Students and Trans Communities: A Post-Election Workshop

What: An informal teach-in for students, faculty and staff preparing support for the upcoming administration, with legal and mutual aid strategies to look out for the vulnerable, immigrants, transgender, and queer people.
Thursday, December 5, 2024
12:15 pm – 1pm 
285 Jay Street, 8th Floor, Human Services Conference Room, A-806
Gabriella Collantes-Woods, CUNY-NYCCT Immigrant Success Liaison at City Tech
Zenayda Bonilla | Consultant| Peer Advocate, South Brooklyn Sanctuary, Special Initiative for New Arrivals (SINA)
Benjamin Shepard, Professor Human Services Department.
Smita Dewan, Associate Professor, Human Services Department

Workshop, Dec. 4, Get Organized! Zotero Basics

Zotero logo Get Organized! Zotero Basics
Dec. 4, 4-5 PM
Attendees will learn the capabilities of this powerful, free open-source reference management software program. The session covers the functionalities of the Zotero client, adding the Zotero plugin to your browser, and importing citations to generate a bibliography. To maximize our workshop time, please download Zotero from and create your username and password in the Zotero client software by going to EDIT > PREFERENCES > >SYNC

Celebrate Open Access Week 2024 with open engineering textbooks

Cover of Circuit Analysis and Design

At the University of Michigan, Michigan Publishing Services is dedicated to open access scholarship in a variety of ways, including participating in the Free Electrical and Computer Engineering Textbook Initiative. This program has been adopted by over 500 U.S. colleges and universities, and has saved students an estimated $50 million in textbook costs. 

  • Students: these textbooks can serve as supplements to your existing textbooks
  • Faculty: you can adapt or adopt parts or the entirety of these textbooks in your teaching

What’s up with policies related to open access and open science?

Open access week 2024It’s Open Access Week 2024, Oct. 21-27.  This year’s theme, Community over Commercialization, continues a thread from last year’s theme, “It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity.”

I recently read this blog post by Professor Lorena A. Barba (George Washington University) that nicely sums up United States policy on open access and open science.  Any faculty member receiving federal funding should take the time to read this post about big changes in the making and librarians should also be familiar with how funder requirements impact researcher practices .

Fall 2024 Scholarly Publishing Workshops, Save the Dates

Academic Works logoAcademic Works Demystified
Nov. 6, 11 AM-12 PM
What is Academic Works and how does it benefit you as a scholar? You will learn more about how and why publishers allow you to contribute to Academic Works and the many benefits to sharing your scholarship openly to you, your students, and the public.

Zotero logo Get Organized! Zotero Basics
Dec. 4, 4-5 PM
Attendees will learn the capabilities of this powerful, free open-source reference management software program. The session covers the functionalities of the Zotero client, adding the Zotero plugin to your browser, and importing citations to generate a bibliography. To maximize our workshop time, please download Zotero from and create your username and password in the Zotero client software by going to EDIT > PREFERENCES > >SYNC