Check Out LibraryBuzz–News from the City Tech Library!

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New Policy on Electronic Resources

The library has posted a new policy on electronic resources:
Licensed Electronic Resources Acceptable Use Guidelines
The electronic resources provided by the Ursula C. Schwerin Library are governed by legally binding license agreements, negotiated between the library and the publishers. These licenses allow students, faculty, staff, and other authorized users to access the resources for non-commercial, educational and scholarly purposes. Off-campus use requires confirmation of affiliation with City Tech.
Users of library-licensed resources must comply with U.S. Copyright Law (including the protections of Fair use) and licensing agreements of the publishers. Breach of license may lead a publisher/vendor to terminate the College’s access.


Use of any software designed to automatically browse the web (“robots”, “spiders”, “crawlers”, etc.), record web browsing activity, or systematically download content for offline use is expressly forbidden and jeopardizes the entire College’s access to that resource.

Violators may face disciplinary action.
Examples of prohibited activities:


  • Downloading all articles in a journal issue;
  • Downloading articles from most issues of a journal;
  • Sizable downloads of database reports;
  • Sharing usernames and passwords;
  • Posting copyrighted materials on publicly accessible websites;
  • Using electronic resources for commercial use.

More computer user policies can be found at:

Living Off the Land in Space: Green Roads to the Cosmos

The library has a new exhibit called Living Off the Land in Space: Green Roads to the Cosmos. Read below for more information.
C. Bangs, who served as a NASA Faculty Fellow in 2002-04, created the art in this exhibition. Living in the Land in Space, which Ms. Bangs coauthored with her husband, Prof. Gregory Matloff of the NYCCT Physics Department and NASA manager Les Johnson, was publisher by Springer-Copernicus in 2007. Living Off the Land in Space demonstrates how future space pioneers and explorers might utilize the resources of the solar system, just as terrestrial pioneers and explorers used the resources of the Earth in spreading human settlement aroudn the globe. Space is not about individual heroics or national pride. Ultimately, it deals with the survival of the human species and other terrestrial life forms.
This exhibit will be on display in the Library during the months of March and April, 2008.

Out to Eat

When: Wednesday, March 19 at 3:30 p.m.
Where: Janet Lefler Dining Room, N215
Refreshments will be served.

You are invited!
“Out to Eat:
The Emergence and Evolution of the Restaurant in Nineteenth-Century New York City”

Dr. Cindy Lobel will speak about the early 19th century growth of NYC into a metropolis and the related emergence and growth of restaurants. As the restaurant sector grew, restaurants became much more than places to eat. They were important locales of social and cultural interaction, of conspicuous consumption and class identity, as well as places of employment and a ladder of economic mobility for their proprietors.
Dr. Lobel is an Assistant Professor of History at Lehman College. She holds a B.A. from Tufts University and a Ph.D. from the CUNY Graduate Center, having also taught at Barnard, Columbia, Connecticut College, Baruch, and Hunter.
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