Let’s take a look at some recent activity surrounding OER (Open Educational Resources) here at City Tech.
CityTech is participating in the $4 million CUNY-wide OER Grant funded by New York State – we received the second highest award across CUNY! This program supports faculty in building their own OER-based curriculum: over this academic year, 24 courses are being converted to OER on a variety of topics – Africana Folklore, General Biology Lecture and Labs, Macro/Microeconomics, and more. Faculty participating in the initiative represent 15 departments across all three schools. We anticipate at least 7,000 students will be impacted by this move to zero-cost course materials. That’s nearly half of the CityTech’s FTE enrollment – now able to continue their studies without worrying about textbook costs for these classes.
The grant has provided us with the resources to continue the Library’s OER Fellowship program – now running in both the Spring and Fall terms – funding faculty to create custom OER courses. We’re also providing funding incentives for part-time and full-time faculty to adopt existing zero-cost course / OER materials vetted and in use across the country. We’ve also amplified our programming around best practices for universal design: check out this quick guide to accessibility on the OpenLab by our instructional design specialist, Bree Zuckerman, and this introductory usability module by Prof. Junior Tidal.
Browse the list of OER courses created through the Fellowship program and view OERs contributed by City Tech faculty in Academic Works, our institutional repository. To learn more about zero-cost course materials available in your discipline, check out the OER Resource Guide. And if you’re interested in creating a new OER, check out the OER Fellowship website.
Want to get involved? Reach out to Prof. Cailean Cooney, OER Librarian at ccooney@citytech.cuny.edu.
–Profs. Bakaitis & Cooney