Category Archives: Professor

Our first site visit next week, and blogging assignment

Today we learned about one-point linear perspective and reviewed the site report template.

Looking ahead to next week, classes are not held on Monday, September 10 and Tuesday, September 11. The college is open, and the library is open 9-5 both days. On Thursday, September 13, we meet in our classroom at 2:30pm sharp for our first walking tour of our study site. Please come prepared to be out for 2 hours with a charged phone or camera and notebook and pencils for sketching. Your blogging assignment due Thursday, September 13 is one 100-word post. First read this opinion piece, “Urban Walking isn’t just Good for the Soul,” and then complete the following observational exercise: document the observations of your experience between your front door and the bus, subway, or parking space you use for your everyday commute. Post observations in a 100 word blog post.



Week 1, and blogging assignment for Tuesday, September 4

On Tuesday we reviewed the goals of the course and viewed the film My Brooklyn (log in with your college ID to stream from anywhere). On Thursday we viewed the film Citizen Jane: Battle for the City and discussed some of its themes.

Regular blogging is an essential part of your participation in the course. Your first blogging assignment, due before the start of class on Tuesday, September 4,  is to reflect on the films we watched together and write one 100-word blog post responding to these questions:

How is change managed in a city, and who manages that change? Do people have a “right” to the city?


Welcome to Learning Places!

Learning Places is an interdisciplinary course co-taught by Prof. Anne Leonard in the Library and Prof. Jason Montgomery in the department of Architectural Technology. Using methodologies from both professors’ disciplines, we conduct field research and archival research to study one site together in depth. This semester, our case study site is Brooklyn’s Barclays Center and adjacent developments known as Atlantic Yards, Pacific Park, and the Atlantic Center. The site is a short distance from campus, about one mile south on Flatbush Avenue.

Barclays Center Brooklyn

By Tandonva – Own work, CC0,

There are no required textbooks in this course. Assigned readings will be posted here on the OpenLab site or distributed in class, and recommended books are on reserve in the City Tech library. You will need a notebook or sketchbook and soft pencils for sketching during our field research visits. We will use cameras to document our research trips. A smartphone camera is fine; it is also possible to borrow a camera from the instructors. Our first class meeting is 2:30-4:35 on Tuesday, August 28 in L543 in the City Tech Library. Questions? Leave a comment below.