Podcast workshop on Thursday, May 2, and a list of podcasting resources

On Thursday, May 2, Prof. Nora Almeida of the City Tech library will facilitate a 1 hour workshop on podcasting. In class we generated questions about content, format, and production. I will share your questions with her in advance, and when you think of new questions, please bring them to class or ask them in a comment on this post. By Thursday, everyone should read the podcast assignment guidelines carefully, and one person in each group should create a SoundCloud account; we’ll use SoundCloud to host and license the podcasts.

Some podcasting resources:

Anchor.fm for iOs and Android – a mobile app for recording and producing on your phone

Audacity is free open-source audio recording and editing software

Garageband for Mac and PC is also free

Consider attending the free Let’s Record and Edit workshop at the Brooklyn Public Library, Central Library, this Thursday 5/2 at 6:30 pm

Here’s my Lynda.com playlist of podcasting how-to videos (log in with your New York Public Library or Brooklyn Public Library account)

The Bello Collective podcasting 101 offers short articles about podcast production, team management, and community building

On Tuesday 5/7, Thursday 5/9, and Tuesday, 5/14 we have the use of L540, the library’s classroom, and L432, the library’s projection room, during class time. If you find another quiet place to record on campus, let us all know in the comments.

Final Podcast Project Guidelines

Final podcast project guidelines

Your podcast assignment is the final project for the semester. Each group will contribute a page to an OpenLab project site we will create together. Each page will contain the following elements:

  • link to your group’s 15-20 minute podcast (audio recording)
  • uploaded annotated bibliography and outline; references for any images, music, etc that you use
  • a few original images (photographs or sketches produced by a group member) that illustrate the research question or theme. Images should have descriptive captions.

See the step-by-step podcast instructions from Prof. Almeida for technical assistance with recording and editing.

In addition to creating and editing an audio recording, each group will:

  • Strategically incorporate or reference at least two relevant information sources.
  • Provide basic metadata for your podcast including at least three descriptive keywords.
  • Select a Creative Commons license to dictate how your podcast can be used by others.

This activity will be completed in 4 stages

  1. planning and prewriting
  2. research and script development
  3.  technical production
  4. listening & reflection

Key Dates

April 29-May 2: planning and prewriting – in-class time to research, write script, rehearse, and record; OpenLab project site creation; Prof. Nora Almeida guest lecture on podcast production
May 7-9: research and script development – in class time to write and rehearse
May 14: in class time to rehearse and record; finalize technical production; podcast scripts due during class
May 16: Podcast listening part I
May 21: Podcast listening part II; all content must be posted on OpenLab project site by the end of class on that date; reflections & wrap-up

Resources for recording
The Multimedia Resources Center in the City Tech library lends out USB headsets with microphones. Use your college ID to borrow a headset/mic. Headsets must be used in the library. You can borrow an iPad Mini or laptop for up to 3 days from Multimedia with your college ID.

If you need a quiet place to record, reserve a library study room. During class time on 5/7, 5/9, and 5/14, you may use the library projection room or the eclassroom. Bring a laptop with Audacity or other recording software already installed. You can record with your phone using the voice memo app or Anchor for iOS or Android.

During last Thursday’s workshop a few people asked about using music. Start your search for CC-licensed music that you can legally use at CCMixter, Jamendo, or one of the other sites listed here.

Grading criteria

  • Successful attempt to answer research question
  • Inclusion or references made to at least two relevant information sources (articles, books, maps, films, etc.)
  • Quality of content analysis and synthesis of sources relevant to the research question.
  • Equal participation of group members in podcast recording
  • Good effort made to successfully record, produce, and edit
  • All required content appears on OpenLab site
  • Podcast successfully uploaded to Soundcloud with images and metadata
  • Podcast is between 15-20 minutes long
  • All content is cited in the bibliography, including images and music
  • Selection of an appropriate Creative Commons license