Author Archives: Maria G Policastri

The real idea of observing

Just as in the excerpt we just read, I travel back and forth from Staten Island through Manhattan to Brooklyn for school and work daily. I like to take in my daily occurrences and observing my surroundings while on the ferry and the plenty of trains Iā€™m required to take. I like to observe the other riders on the ferry early in the morning of rush hour. From that you get to know everyone around you. Once in a while ill tend to look out the windows and just watch the water move from the boat because after a long day that becomes calming and just nice to watch when there arenā€™t tourists around there. When Iā€™m not traveling for work or school and Iā€™m going to the city for leisure I tend to look to see all the skyscrapers all over and admire the beauty of the city because thatā€™s why I love living in the great city. I believe my observations are very different to the author because he actually went through all the boroughs and took everything in even the small things. Though I do have similar ways because of my almost four hours of traveling back and forth I tend to observe more of my surroundings then I would if I had a shorter commute. The power of serendipity to expose our commonalities is true being the bliss and realness of our life occurrences and observations living in the city bring that out more.

working hard but it all taken away

The citizens rights and opinions are a major turning point for every city. If the people of that city arenā€™t happy, then possibly it needs a change. Everyone one in the world has rights why should the citizens of that cities be held without. The longtime residents and small business people have the same chance as everyone else because they too deserve that chance to build a home and support themselves just like any big corporation does. The rights belong to them because they fought for that spot and why would they give that chance up after all they did to get it and work hard.

In ā€œMy Brooklynā€ the citizens of the small businesses had to give up everything they worked so hard for just so the big businesses can be there and for others to gain more money. Thatā€™s all the corporations would care about and it isnā€™t right. When this happened the people with the money to shut down the smaller businesses should have thought about it long and hard because look how it will be affecting those hard working people. The rights should be maintained in the cities by having meetings every so often just to make sure everything is alright and fair to the people.

In ā€œCitizen Janeā€, Jane knew the rights of the people were important and she fought for that. She saw the people in Manhattan to have a spark about them and to change that with an expressway cutting through most of their homes and towns