Research Blog – Plagiarism

Choosing a research topic is to thoroughly think about it so much, because we have to know what exactly we are looking for. Like for me I chose Plagiarism but the topic is so broad, I have to narrow it down and choose a specific topic that deals with plagiarism and the consequences somewhat. But yet, I’m still undecided on what to specify my topic on. I know that I want to describe a case in where someone was involved in being guilty of plagiarizing someone’s work. But, also the consequences and I know that in every situation the policies are not the same. So this is what it keeps me from looking further because I’m stuck. I have searched in many databases from the library webpage and I find much information on plagiarism in different parts. that deals with other subtopics like medicine, school and even authors of several books. I was thinking on starting from the main point: What is Plagiarism? Defining Plagiarism? or How can people even students can prevent it? But, yet I’m stuck again because it’s broad and I can find a lot of information but I have to choose carefully the info I want to use in my paper. My question would be how I can narrow plagiarism into a question that can make sense and will I be able to find info and know that the reader will catch my main point about the topic.

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