The Research Continues

As I continue to research for information I begin to hit a wall.  Unfortunately, it is becoming a little more difficult than I thought it would be to find new information.  However, on average I do find at least one new entry per day, some are better than others but still the sources are valid.  I do believe that the information I have now is enough to begin my paper, but i would still like to keep researching.  To be honest I did not think it was going to be this hard. especially since I am writing my paper on plagiarism.

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Ever since search engines such as yahoo, aol or google were created, I’ve been using the most popular search engines everyone used during those times. Now Google is the most popular and the most useful. I get the results I ask for as well as extra links to other search engines. Using Google Scholar only expanded my searches with Google, and I get great results to some of the most recommended scholarly journals and articles written.I had typed in google phrases such as “Video Game Education” and “Adolescents Using Games For Real Life Situations”, and the results were as broad as I imagined it would be, but when I typed in the same phrases in Yahoo, I got a completely similar result, but in different orders. Even though, yahoo is not as popular as google may be, the results seem to be the same. Google is my most sourceful engine to use and I preferably recommend Google for everything due to most search engines using google as the source feeder.

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“GOOGLED” A verb in the past tense.

Despite numerous attempts at search engines, one guarantee is, I have amassed a wealth of information on “The science of why postings become viral?” I have results from “Ben bit me” to “Herpes Virus In Mice”.

      My 4Gb Flash drive is reaching its maximum storage capacity, filled with resourceful articles many scholarly on the many dimensions to “viral.” Google is by far the most responsive of the search engines easily finding millions of results per quest. Google scholar with some of the tweaking we learned in class, produced some content. however I butted heads with “Mr. Pay Wall” on many occasions. Ebsco. was a very useful tool for me it afforded me the luxury of finding in the college’s library three texts that are quite helpful to me in assembling a time line on the origins of  “viral” as a term to what it is now , present day

         I tried an article I had sourced on Google Scholar. On “Viral Marketing” with  and was blown away at how it paired it with other links that are similar with the URL, I had queried. It gives you also traffic analysis and places a value on the impact of the search queries,  in categories of high, medium, and low. In conclusion my search continues hoping I can extract new data, link it to other data and discover a trend. Ultimately contributing new information. Then again today is “All Fools Day”. I doubt it will be that easy…….

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Google Before You Leap!!

I found a few differences between search engines (Google & Yahoo) and library data bases (CUNY & NY Public Library). First off, the library data bases returned far less results then the search engines did. At this stage in our research that’s a good thing but, this lack of results could be very limiting and i’ll that explain in a moment. The library’s data was also subdivided into several data bases which had to be search separately for example; books, journals, e-books, video, newspapers, ect. I found the journals particularly difficult to navigate unless you knew the name of the journal that you want to search. Which brings me to a point, I found the library data bases extremely useful at finding new sources of information quickly and without a whole lot of fluff in-between but that only because I had a good idea of where to look and what to look for. When I first started researching my topic, cyber bullying, I didn’t realize that it would be addressed extensively in educational and psychiatric forums. This information, which I gained from search engines, facilitated my navigation of the data bases. Search engines tend to throw everything at you all at once, books, news articles, online content, even journals. A lot of it is garbage but you can get a pretty good idea of where in the hierarchy of information you are by going through some of the links.( thanks Badke) Knowing where you are is the first step in knowing where you need to go. So in short, if you know very little about a subject, Google before you leap into a data base.

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Newer is Not Always Better

No doubt everyone in the class has tried to use Google Scholar to search for information on copyright laws and online piracy. Given Google’s reputation as the “go-to” search engine for just about anything of interest on the Internet, it just seems to make sense that Google Scholar would turn out to be the same, except for the academic approach instead of just providing the user with websites ranked according to relevance.

The one thing that I like about Google Scholar is that it lets me search for copyright laws or online piracy through legal articles (funnily enough, I didn’t expect EBSCO to have this) and at first, I thought it was a nifty feature since my research topic is quite popular when it comes to the legal arena.

However, the results that I got from Google Scholar were less than stellar. I was rather disappointed to discover that a lot of what I got back were just abstracts from other databases that the school didn’t have a subscription to or had the dreaded “pay wall.” Not only that, I had issues with some of the domain names I was seeing: if domain names could be easily bought, how do I know that the website is reliable?

So I turn to the school library for a different approach. Just when I was about to go straight to EBSCO (the general one) to search for articles on copyright laws and online piracy, Professor Leonard demonstrated a nifty way of searching through databases: selecting the databases you want to search through. I thought I heard a choir sing “hallelujah!” when I saw the demo on the Smart Board.

I’ve tried EBSCO’s general database  before and I was disappointed at the limited number of articles I got in return. But now that I found out a good way to select specific databases that I could search through, I became excited at the prospect of finding information for my topic. Even if it meant having to see a huge number of results.

And I was not disappointed: I definitely found a lot more information than I did using the general EBSCO database and I was a little more comfortable knowing that at least I could rely on the results better than I could through Google Scholar, though there is still the occasional “pay wall” or the fact that the school doesn’t have a subscription to the site where the article is featured in.

Lesson learned: newer is not always better. Even if it’s by Google.

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Search Engine

When using the internet engine, I first was questioned if what I wrote in the search box was what I was really for because I typed in “implicat* and youtube and educat*.” I thought that in using the truncation, it would hone in on my results. However, I got results that were along the lines of what I wanted, but didn’t quite help. Nevertheless, in using the library database, and typing in the same phrase into the search box, my results differed. It seems that the library database proved to be of greater use than the earlier internet source. I was able to get a variety of scholarly articles on my exact topic, which will help a lot when I begin writing the research paper.

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research post II

On my first discovery of databases and journal references I used Google scholar and Microsoft academic they both were broad. I didn’t know what to search and that’s how I came to a research question that worked for me. Google scholar had a 3 sort features that filtered my search walking through that was basically my initial experience. I thought I had a good source, because the article ended up on Wiley, but after reading it not so related. Also doing searches that are not on databases are just for websites that cover specific topics unless the topic is related research was progressive only on a database.

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Research “search engine comparison”

When searching alternative media in a library database I have the opportunity to look at specific subjects, times and dates, and categories. It was relevant to search and look through older stuff from when I was a kid or before I was born from the periods of 1970’s to 1995. The information that had been written lately deals a lot with the criticism of such mass media corporations. When searching Alternative Media in the Google search engine, and Google is my favorite. It almost seems that I have no choice but to use my own keyword to describe my research. With a plain search it will spit out cites that suggest alternative media or companies who distribute alternative news. When using keywords with Google I have found no help just a bunch of looked up people who are facing justice, because hard news is at the top. The better is library catalogs where authors explain the shift from mass media to alternative media.

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Search engine

Just like most people when I want to find anything on the internet I turn to Google.  For our research topic Google worked great. . . .for internet sources. For more of a professional look at Social Media Breaking News, I found that both the City Tech Library and the Brooklyn College Library worked much better.  When I typed “”Social Media” breaking news” into a Google search not much of anything was useful.  On the other hand when I typed it into the library data bases of both schools I received many more writing I can use. A strange thing was that when the same words were typed in the two schools databases many of the results were different, or in different order.Also the ability to narrow my results helped me find what i was looking for. This is not completely throwing Google away. I also gave Google Scholar a try and it worked reasonably well.

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Search engine

When I have to search for information on whatever topic I would go straight to using Google. When I use Google I usually always find good and helpful information but for this research project i used Google Scholar as a search engine and I did come across a lot of information on privacy through social networking sites. Another search engine that I used was the city tech website page, to me this website was much more helpful because it had so much more sources on magazines,books etc. The difference between these two was that the second search engine I used had much more broader information on my topic and it helped me so much more .

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