Category Archives: Uncategorized

research journal

It has been difficult to develop this research outline. For some reason, average teenagers now a days have difficultly creating an adequate intro for their paper which can lead to difficulties in their body paragraphs. It can be because they … Continue reading

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Creature of habit

Many of us will go to what is normal to use in our searches. I am no different in that aspect as I went to Google for my search and found as usual a plethora of articles, wiki, newscasts and … Continue reading

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The Research Continues

As I continue to research for information I begin to hit a wall.  Unfortunately, it is becoming a little more difficult than I thought it would be to find new information.  However, on average I do find at least one … Continue reading

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Ever since search engines such as yahoo, aol or google were created, I’ve been using the most popular search engines everyone used during those times. Now Google is the most popular and the most useful. I get the results I … Continue reading

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“GOOGLED” A verb in the past tense.

Despite numerous attempts at search engines, one guarantee is, I have amassed a wealth of information on “The science of why postings become viral?” I have results from “Ben bit me” to “Herpes Virus In Mice”.       My 4Gb Flash drive … Continue reading

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Google Before You Leap!!

I found a few differences between search engines (Google & Yahoo) and library data bases (CUNY & NY Public Library). First off, the library data bases returned far less results then the search engines did. At this stage in our … Continue reading

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Newer is Not Always Better

No doubt everyone in the class has tried to use Google Scholar to search for information on copyright laws and online piracy. Given Google’s reputation as the “go-to” search engine for just about anything of interest on the Internet, it … Continue reading

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Search Engine

When using the internet engine, I first was questioned if what I wrote in the search box was what I was really for because I typed in “implicat* and youtube and educat*.” I thought that in using the truncation, it … Continue reading

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research post II

On my first discovery of databases and journal references I used Google scholar and Microsoft academic they both were broad. I didn’t know what to search and that’s how I came to a research question that worked for me. Google … Continue reading

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Research “search engine comparison”

When searching alternative media in a library database I have the opportunity to look at specific subjects, times and dates, and categories. It was relevant to search and look through older stuff from when I was a kid or before … Continue reading

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