Category Archives: Uncategorized

Copywhat ?

Copyright has been a hot topic in the world lately.In the median days of the web there was tv episodes and movies.It was pretty awesome and one could just youtube or google search their favorite program.Of course the respective companies … Continue reading

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I just want to say one thing, how would you like it if someone took all your own work that you worked so hard on, days, weeks maybe months, and they simply stole it and presented it as their own? … Continue reading

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“COPYRIGHT” should we thank Queen Anne ?

Copyright laws were first introduced by Queen Anne in 1710 . It basically guaranteed an author or composer rights to their creation for a minimum of 28 years. A great deal has changed since then. Although it still follows the … Continue reading

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Copyright: Forever Less One Day

Copyrights are the shield protector of any work created by the originator. Being that the copyright is and can be extended for extra amount of years, means that in the future, the past will always have the title of “the … Continue reading

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Fair Use of Media Literacy

First of all, what is media literacy? As stated in the article, it “is the capacity to access, analyze, evaluate, and communicate messages in a wide variety of forms.” Now the fair use of media literacy is when a group … Continue reading

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Copyright is a great way to disseminate anyone’s hard work without going through the pain and trouble of having someone stealing it off of your hands through quick copying and pasting. It is a very important step for any individual … Continue reading

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The use of copyrighting, helps draw a fine line between the maker of the content and the one who uses it. Because of the copyright law bestowed upon us years ago, we, the user, cannot cannot claim the work of … Continue reading

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I think it’s only fair for copyrights to be in effect till the author dies. If an author created something than they deserve to be compensated if someone else wants to use what they created. During the 1700’s the length … Continue reading

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Copyright is basically considered to be the right way to copy someones work but without it being considered as plagiarism. As long as you give credit to the person who wrote what you copied I believe that should not be … Continue reading

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The plagarist tale

Rowan’s book success was controlled through the editing of sex. When we can’t illustrate thrill to are audience moreover keep our swagger because of dress code our next step is to act out of character. The imposter or charlatan deems … Continue reading

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