Monthly Archives: April 2012

Notes from today, and reading/blogging for Monday, April 16

Today we discussed some research writing strategies, and then moved on to discussion of the Grimmelmann and Fister articles, and why to evaluate information in all types of media. Slides from today are available here. I’ll be close to email … Continue reading

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Research Journal Library Database vs Search Engine

  One immediate and obvious difference between an internet search engine and a library database is the “so called” amount of results. When I searched “e-book academic usage” on Google 210,000,000 hits came up, much too many for me to … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and reading & homework for Wednesday, April 4

Today we discussed how to evaluate information and crowdsourced evaluation criteria for web content; here is the proof. The final criteria we determined in class are the following: authenticity objectivity scholarly merit date of publication Your research paper outline is … Continue reading

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searching keywords

Looking up sources for the research paper, I initially would check google and major search engines.  However as it turns out, when it comes to research material for a paper, you have to use a scholarly journal database search engine. … Continue reading

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Search Engines. You choose.

Ok so when it comes to me researching a topic; I automatically type in and start from there. I usually try to stick to the first page of results because I find those to actually be the best results … Continue reading

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research journal

It has been difficult to develop this research outline. For some reason, average teenagers now a days have difficultly creating an adequate intro for their paper which can lead to difficulties in their body paragraphs. It can be because they … Continue reading

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The search goes on.

  I first used google to search my research topic and I used the schools library database and the New York public library database to search for my topic. The results were really different from each other. I get more … Continue reading

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Creature of habit

Many of us will go to what is normal to use in our searches. I am no different in that aspect as I went to Google for my search and found as usual a plethora of articles, wiki, newscasts and … Continue reading

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The Research Continues

As I continue to research for information I begin to hit a wall.  Unfortunately, it is becoming a little more difficult than I thought it would be to find new information.  However, on average I do find at least one … Continue reading

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Ever since search engines such as yahoo, aol or google were created, I’ve been using the most popular search engines everyone used during those times. Now Google is the most popular and the most useful. I get the results I … Continue reading

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