Monthly Archives: April 2012

Notes from today, and reading and assignments for Wednesday, April 18

Today we discussed writing an academic research paper and played the evaluation game in class. Congratulations to the winning team: Carlton, Ibn, and Matthew, who presented an article from the April  12th Chicago Tribune titled “Student Loan Debt a Growing … Continue reading

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chap 10 Badke

Briefly reading chapter 10 of Badke I see some good examples and approaches to coming up with an outline for my research paper. As he mentioned throughout the readings about research paper, the first and foremost important approach is to … Continue reading

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FROM LAB COATS TO ME “An amateur’s guide to researching.”

This spring break can go down in history as one of the most burdensome ones. I was multi-tasking on so many different fronts. It then climaxed with a visit to the hospital to obtain not so good news. I foolishly … Continue reading

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As this semester flies by in addition to continuing this research essay, I feel that I have learned a lot. Not just how to properly research, but time management when it comes to researching, media and what it has become, … Continue reading

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Making the Most Out of Search Engines

Reading Chapter 10 of Research Strategies has been quite refreshing, especially since the research paper has been far from my mind with the brief vacation that we’ve had. I feel like I need to revise my outline in order to properly … Continue reading

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In the Know

Over all i’d say a learned some valuable tools in the past few weeks. This sort of surprised me, not because I thought I knew everything but, because I found out how much I didn’t know. So here’s a brief … Continue reading

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Advanced Searching

Throughout these classes, I’ve learned how to become better at researching. The whole concept of researching a topic and being able to  manipulate search engines to get the exact results you’re looking for was something I enjoyed learning this class … Continue reading

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Badke Appendix 1

Once my research question came to mind, the hardest thing to begin is an outline. Writing a few scribbles and jotting down a few ideas and personal knowledge related to my question did not make the outline come about, it … Continue reading

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I’ve often wondered how Google’s results were ordered, as I’ve sometime notice that the results at top aren’t necessarily the most relevant to my search and sometimes results towards the middle or bottom of the page are. Now that I … Continue reading

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Tips and Troubleshooting for Developing a Good Research Paper

One thing that i have learned about writing a good research paper is that it is important to have an outline to help you develop a good paper. In high school i never knew that it was important when i … Continue reading

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