Simple Card Tricks

I always use to wonder about how simple card tricks were done using  a deck of playing cards, and why so many professionals are good at doing this. At first i use to think it was magic but then later on down the road i realized that it is a simple card trick to show somebody if you just want to do or try out things for fun. The first time i ever saw somebody do this was when i was 18 years old, a very good friend of mine showed me how this was done. I picked a card out of the deck and only i could see it he couldn’t, he shuffled the cards. Then after he did this he placed all the cards on his table in a pile and ask me was this my card? I said no, so what he did was pick another card and asked me if this was my card ? I said no again, then finally what he did was say what was your card? i said seven of diamonds, so out of the blue he spelled out the words seven of diamonds while placing each of the cards on the table in a pile. And once he was finished spelling out the words he placed the final card down and turned it over to me and said is this your card? And i said yes it is. I really thought it was cool, so ever since then i wanted to learn how to do this. I also did this for my speech demo project that i had to do for my speech class and i did very well, everyone in my class and even my professor was shocked and wanted to know more about how this was done.

One thing that i learned from this is that it takes a lot of practice for people that are doing this for the first time, you may get it the first time then you may not at all. But it takes a lot if practice to do this this kind of trick, for some people it may take up to 5 weeks or even a month to learn how to do this. But once you keep trying you will get it, and if you don’t you got to keep trying until you do, it is a fun trick to learn about for everyone. Here is a video link to so you how it is done from beginning to end.



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