Despite numerous attempts at search engines, one guarantee is, I have amassed a wealth of information on “The science of why postings become viral?” I have results from “Ben bit me” to “Herpes Virus In Mice”.
My 4Gb Flash drive is reaching its maximum storage capacity, filled with resourceful articles many scholarly on the many dimensions to “viral.” Google is by far the most responsive of the search engines easily finding millions of results per quest. Google scholar with some of the tweaking we learned in class, produced some content. however I butted heads with “Mr. Pay Wall” on many occasions. Ebsco. was a very useful tool for me it afforded me the luxury of finding in the college’s library three texts that are quite helpful to me in assembling a time line on the origins of “viral” as a term to what it is now , present day
I tried an article I had sourced on Google Scholar. On “Viral Marketing” with and was blown away at how it paired it with other links that are similar with the URL, I had queried. It gives you also traffic analysis and places a value on the impact of the search queries, in categories of high, medium, and low. In conclusion my search continues hoping I can extract new data, link it to other data and discover a trend. Ultimately contributing new information. Then again today is “All Fools Day”. I doubt it will be that easy…….