Online Privacy: Promised but not Followed

Internet privacy is promise in so many places but when you really look at it, is it really followed? People these days do not even notice how hard hackers work these days just to steal your information and somehow always succeed. The two websites that I can automatically think of are Facebook and Youtube. Why Youtube you might ask? I don’t know if you watch Disney but while my little brother was watching it, a commercial came on talking about you never know who can steal your video and change it in anyway they want that can result in things you don’t want. Facebook however is just a trap to have everyone stay in touch when in all reality it is a hunting ground for predators or hackers. Post anything that pertains to your everyday life such as your job or school, or even post personal information such as your number or email, you have just put yourself in danger. People even steal your identity just to make a fool out of you and they don’t need any type of special skill to do so! So you tell me, Internet Privacy, a promise or a fallacy?

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