Pavlik,J Media in the digital age

Technology is used all over the world as we know, and we are all fascinated by it. I love going on the internet to search on the internet, check my email, Facebook, and Twitter accounts. Technology is everywhere even on cell phones.We can search the web using WiFi and having faster internet service using high speed internet for our computers and phones,we now even have GPS on our cell phones and even cab drivers have GPS installed in there cars so they can find their way to an unfamiliar location more easily and quickly. Back then in the 1990’s we didn’t have cell phones like the ones we have now like the iPhone and Android phones, back then people would use beepers and there home phones to communicate with others. And to listen to music we had CD players and walk-man’s.Now we have iPods and can even listen to music on our cell phones. Computers are even more advance now especially with the Mac computers which was designed by Apple,i strongly believe they are replacing Dell and other computer companies.

I am so fascinated with the technology that we have now because i feel that we all should know a lot about it and learn how to use it for our advantages. Even 3D is being popular now and they already have 3d televisions, its very interesting. Even HD TV’s, Blue ray disc,the list goes on and on. But as we all know technology to me was really inspired by Movies because back then in the 80’s technology was being used in so many movies all the way up till now in the year of 2012. In the article it says “Nevertheless, citizens of all ages and status are in unique position to shape, innovate, and enjoy media in the digital age.” I believe they are trying to say that we all should be able to take advantage of this opportunity regardless of our age because it is for all of us. But the most important thing is can we use technology for in a good way and not a bad way? Because regardless if we like it or not technology will always be with us for now and in the near future.

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