Week 4

Good morning guys! I hope everyone is having a great start to their weekend.

In yesterdays class we made three different types of candies, however they were similar in terms of ingredients and procedure. The candies were fudges, caramels and pralines. These candies all start off by cooking sugar to specific temperatures and then mixing in some sort of cream or milk.

The class went pretty well. I think everything turned out great especially the fudges. I truly think everyone did greatly on the fudges. However, one of the caramels turned out a bit harder than the usual soft and chewy texture caramels have. This caramel still tasted good and softened after having it in your mouth for a while. The Halavahs from the week prior truly did set up nice in the fridge and had a great crumbly texture. I liked seeing everyone work together and when they finished their tasks they would go over to another team. We were making good time but excitement sometimes gets the best of us. We were doing so well that i think we all forgot we had a certain time to leave and we just got comfortable and started losing track of the time. It happens. I was pleased to see how quickly everyone started jumping on tasks without hesitation once they saw how late we were running. We should all use this to be better by staying on task and learning time control and i know we can do it in the classes to come. OverallĀ the class went great, everything tasted great and if it wasn’t for the time and running late we would have an all around successful class.

Finish and packed box of all of this weeks products.

Team A working together to mold their pralines.

Team B waiting for softball stage (238 degrees).

Marble Havalah. Such a great texture.

Unintentional chocolate swirl in the air.

Professors demonstration of incorporating air into the fudge to cool it.

Our steward Shenice cutting up the vanilla havalah.

Ginger bread fudge from team C cooling on marble.

2 Members of team A working together.

Products labeled.

Products labeled.


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