Lee | D379 | Spring 2024

Category: Resources

Course Hub

Go to the MAT 1375 Course Hub

About the MAT 1375 Course Hub

The Course Hub is a central resource created by the Mathematics Department for information and resources related to MAT 1375 Precalculus. Whether you are a student in the course or a faculty member teaching it, we hope you will find useful material there. Some of the resources you will find include:

  • Online Lessons. Here you will find (optional) online lessons for each day of class. If you missed a day of class, or you have questions, this is a great place to go!
  • WeBWorK Resources for Students and Faculty. Need help with WeBWorK? Whether you are a student stuck on a problem in the homework, or a faculty member trying to create a quiz, there are resources to help.
  • Video Resources. Stuck on a topic? Already looked at the online lesson? You can find additional videos for most topics here, including many examples worked out in full, created or selected by City Tech faculty.
  • Faculty Training and Support. Includes more general (non-WeBWorK) topics like: How do I create a discussion board in my course? How do I collect student work using DropBox? Etc.

Go to the MAT 1375 Course Hub

WeBWorK – online homework

This class uses WeBWorK, an open source online homework system, with problem sets custom designed by City Tech faculty to support and reinforce your learning.  Your WeBWorK section and login details will be sent to you at your City Tech email address at the start of the semester – ask your professor if you need help locating them. You can view the full list of City Tech WeBWorK sections here .

New to WeBWorK? Check out the WeBWorK Guide for Students.

Having trouble with your WeBWorK homework? The WeBWorK Q&A site is a place to ask and answer questions about your homework problems.  HINT: To ask a question, you must start by logging in to your WeBWorK section, then click  “Ask a Question” after any problem.

Support for Faculty
If you’re a faculty member using WeBWorK, there are more resources available in the “For Faculty” menu.