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Test 1 Rules 9/27/2021

Instructions: SHOW ALL Work. All work is to be handwritten. No typed solutions will be accepted.

  • The first test is at 6:00pm to 7:15pm on Monday 9/27/2021.
  • All work is your own. No collaboration.
  • You are allowed to use a scientific calculator.
  • Be sure to practice creating PDF files of all your work. I will not accept work in improper format.
  • Submit to this dropbox request link.
    • Any submission after 7:30pm results in -20 on your final score.
    • No submissions after 8:00pm are accepted
  • Online programs like MathWay, Photomath, etc. are banned. (Automatic 0 + Faculty Action Report on your Academic Record if I recognize usage of the program).
  • If this document ends up on a website without my permission, everyone who receives this version of the test fails. Re-grading the test to a 0 grade can happen. Automatic 0 and Faculty Action report still applies.

Oral Defense (Up to 30% of your test score)

  • Until 10/6 (right before class, though I might be willing to interview someone after.)
  • Sign up here
    • Time slots in blue and green represent other Zoom locations I will be in.
  • Be prepared to discuss three questions from the test. The quality of your answers will determine the remaining portion of your grade.
  • If you do not interview, you will lose the points you could have had.
    • e.g. If you scored 100 average on the written portion of the test, then you will receive only 70% as a grade without the interview since Written Work for the test count as 70% of the overall test.

9/27 Test 1 Info

Hello class,

I’ve decided the first test will be on Monday, September 27.

  • For studying, go to A decent portion of the test will be from here or similar to the questions.
    • Username: guest, Password: (leave blank)
    • Search 107 Math for Liberal Arts on the Left Menu.
    • Click on it and search for Week 1- Problem Solving.
    • Answer the exercises.
  • 60% Written submission of your methods used to solve your test questions.
    • Written submissions will be submitted this DropBox Link.<-SUBMIT HERE.
      • until 7:30pm on the 27th. Late submissions are -10 for entire exam.
      • must be multi-page pdf file.
      • photo ID card must be on first page of PDF.
      • filename: lastname_firstname_Test1.pdf
      • Be sure to write all solutions and SHOW ALL WORK on separate sheets of paper.
  • 40% Oral Defense – Sign-In Sheet <-SIGN IN HERE
    • Please fill in your name at the time you will be available. Do not fill in any “RED CELLS”. Please give me notice by midnight the night before as I need time to grade all your exams individually before your interviews.
    • You have a week to interview. I will not accept any interviews post 10/6

Updated Math Tutoring Info

Hello class,

I’d like to submit to you math tutoring information that will go on over the course of the semester.

All these tutoring schedules are up to date, though some groups haven’t sent me their info.

Current Tutoring Schedules

Mr. Lee’s office hours: Monday/Wednesday 3-4, Monday 7:30-8:30

Atrium Learning Center

The Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program


Black Male Initiative (BMI)

Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP)
Mr. Lee will be there Wednesdays, Thursdays 10-3

Perkins Fall 2021 Virtual Schedule.Update
Mr. Lee will be there Mondays, Tuesdays 10-3

Second OpenLab Assignment

During these trying times, it would be ideal for us to be able to be back on campus as soon as possible. Unfortunately, that is not the case, and one of the issues that have arisen in school is how to submit your work to your instructors.

CUNY has done a lot for you. There are a lot of places willing to give you discounts on food or consumer goods just because you are a CUNY student. It has granted you free access to the entire Microsoft Office 365 Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) and McAfee Antivirus software with your City Tech email address. As awesome as all of that is, you are allowed a free DropBox account just for being a CUNY student also. Your login information is what you use to log into CUNYFirst. (If you cannot login to CUNYFirst, please email the Student Helpdesk.

DropBox is cloud file storage, and you will be receiving your graded tests from me in a DropBox folder that I have shared with you specifically. The DropBox app can be saved on your phone and you can use DropBox to scan documents and save them as a multi-page PDF. CUNY will not accept any other file type.

Speaking of multi-page pdf files, your assignment is to submit a multi-page PDF into the DropBox folder I am sharing with you. It helps to have the DropBox app on your phone because you can create a multi-page PDF using said app. Here is a video of Professor Kan using the DropBox app to submit files.

  1. Draw a smiley face on page 1.
  2. Attach your student ID to the top of page 1, but do not obscure said smiley face.
  3. Scan the Document using DropBox or another scanner app.
  4. Scan another page with some notes and scan that as page 2.
  5. Compile the two images into one pdf file with lastnamefirstnameassignment2.pdf as the name of the file.
  6. Submit it into the DropBox folder I share with you by Thursday, September 2nd, before class.
  7. Also, submit the same file to THIS DROPBOX REQUEST LINK.

Remember to submit it into TWO different locations- the request link and the folder that I share with you . I want to know that you all have access to your DropBox accounts and I want to know that you can send a file to me.

Also, it is a strong suggestion that you have access to the DropBox App on your phone and your computer device.

It is City Tech’s policy that your examinations require that you have photo ID on all your examinations. I will extend that policy to all your assignments that are to be submitted to me.

-Professor Lee

First OpenLab Assignment

Your first OpenLab Discussion assignment is to introduce yourself to your classmates.  This assignment is due Wednesday, September 1st, at the start of class. Late submissions will receive partial credit.

Assignment. Add a comment in reply to this post introducing yourself to the class.  Your comment should be at least 2 paragraphs in length.  In the first paragraph, introduce yourself in whatever way you wish. You could include your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish).  In the second paragraph, choose ONE of the following two topics and write a response. Don’t forget to tell us which topic you chose.

Topics (choose ONE).

  1. Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?
  2. Sometimes people can recognize a time when their opinion of math dramatically changed either for the better or the worse. Tell us about it.

Extra Credit. Get to know your classmates! For extra credit, write a response to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you feel the same? Did you learn anything? Do you have any advice? Be kind.

Hello world!

Hello class,

Mr. Lee here.

Good news, I got the OpenLab up and running.

Even better news… your textbooks are online and FREE this semester.

I have updated with the Syllabus and Course Outline. There will be regular updates on this website.

Let’s have a productive semester.


Mr. Lee

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