Tabarka Tamkin-Februray 11

In the reading by Ferdinand de Sausurre’s Course in General Linguistics. Saussure states that  “Launguage is a system of sign language that express ideas, and is therefore comparable to a system of writing, the alphabet of deaf- mutes, symbolic rites, polite formulas, military signals, etc.” that mean the semiolgy is the study of signs and symbols where as liguistic is a study of language where language has meaning and sound and sound image.

We use signs in everyday language by the expression As in the reading Saussure explained the Chinese gesture of bowing down to the ground 9 times and expressing the value to others and following the rule. In the reading, he also states that  “Language and this consideration surpasses all the others is at every moment every- body’s concern; spread throughout society and manipulated by it, language is something used daily by all”. This quote means that Language is very important for everyone and each person use to communicate with others by language and it is spread throughout the community that sometimes language can be use negatively to manipulate others.

The sign is a thing that unites the signified that is concept or idea and the signifier that is sound that is linked with the image. In the reading, by Saussure says that “I call the combination of a concept and a sound image a sign, but in current usage the term generally designates only a sound image, a word, for example (arbor, etc).” In this quote explained that adding signified and signifier is called called sign Saussure uses the example of tree. He said the word tree is the concept or idea and the tree image is the sound image that appeare in mind to say that the object that is sign. 

The language, graphic communication and visual arts are related to one another by the signifier, signified and the sign. Each of them needs concept or the idea to work on and each of them has image for example language has the sound image of a tree and artists has to create image or work.


Tabarka Tamkin- February 4th

Rudimentary communication methods are relevant for contemporary information systems because After reading the text I learned a lot about the designers and the way they explained how the technology is becaming the part of designers’ lives. As Helen Armstrong talks in her text “ Introduction: Revisiting the Avant-Garde from Graphic Design Theory: Readings from the Field: ArmstrongIntro” about “Technology is fundamentally altering our culture” and she talks about the issues that graphic designers will face and 1 of them is social responsiblities. I get intrest in reading the Social Responsibility part because now days I think most designers try to design their works using the global awareness and giving messages. In reading, Armstrong talks about social responsibilty as “As the field shifted towards a more subjective design approach, a social responsibility movement emerged in the 1990s and 2000s. Graphic designers joined meadia activists to revolt against the dangers of consumer culture.” Graphic designers not only using their designs to show it to public but also having a big responsibilty convey what message they are giving to public that shape the society. The positive message like global awareness can help shape the society and culture in a positive way.

Contemporary designers should concerns themselves with archaic writing, counting, or printing techniques because In the reading “Ellen Lupton & J. Abbott Miller, Counting Sheep, Period Styles, Language of Dreams and Language of Vision from Design Writing Research: Writing on Graphic Design: LuptonMillerDesignWritingResearch”. Lupton and Miller talk about the “Many historians view phonetic scripts as the most advanced stage in the development of writing.” When I read Phonetic, I remember that in my typography class I learned about the Phoenicians Alphabet came around 1200 B.C.E and that was the time when written communication evolved by not using the objects however using signs or image that represents the sound of speech. As I was reading this text by lupton and Miller, I get to understand in details that communication is evolving over the time. I also get to know about the Archaic writing where it is similar to know we use D “D is half of the symbol, an ancient form of the sign for one thousand.” As for the natural counting part I really like that part of reading where Ancient use the human body to Count and Calculating. “The whole body can become a set of symbols for representing numbers.” This techniques was used by the Papuan natives. As I read the Period style, It was hard for me to read because the Greek and Roman had no small letters and the Alphabets were all capitals. They also had the same heights that they measure and set the block. “A HIGH DOT SET OFF THE LONGEST UNIT.” . In first line there was no space between letters until in 19th century the space came with dots between them. and then it started to evolve. Now, the technology made it easier for us to use. We can set the height, wieght of letter and the style on technolgy as we want.

The facts from texts provoke ideas for developing new design strategies. I believe this facts provoke that “Delving into theoretical discussion that engage both our past and our present is good start.” because as Lupton and Miller talk about the history of writing and communication methods evolve and technologies came. Armstrong talks about the issues that can give new ideas strategies to designers.