Design is apart of everything. In order for something as simple as a chair to be able to be used for a comfortable seat (depending on the cushion, train seats are not comfortable!) many of us have in our houses, schools, parks and public transportation, someone had to design it. Function is something that distinguishes design from other creative occupations. If the chair is broken or doesn’t fulfill its proper use, the chair has no function and can’t be used.

One difference between art and design is functionality. Art is not necessarily made to function, most art is made from a personal motive and expression. Art is preceptive and emotional. Some may argue that design can be as well however, design has a priority of function.

In order for design to be successful a message has to be clearly communicated for to reader to understand or the object has to be used at is full potential. Bruno Munari who wrote Design as Art states “a designer tries to make an object as naturally as a tree puts forth a leaf. He {or she} does not smother his object with his own personal taste but tries to be objective. He helps the object … to make itself by its own means, so that a ventilator comes to have just the shape of a ventilator”.