According to Jan Tschichold, one should design with clarity and clearness. For example, “This utmost clarity is necessary today because of the manifold claims for our attention made by the extraordinary amount of print, which demands the greatest economy of expression. “ Jan Tschichold says the arrangement in old typography is on a central axis and as times passed it was overused and  we should not do that anymore. For example, “We believe it is wrong to arrange a text as if there were some focal point in the center of a line that would justify such an arrangement. “ Tschichold believes that designers should explore more and further beyond.

According to Karl Gerstner, combining art and science together is design. For example, he says “Designing means: to pick out determining elements and combine them.” He believes that one should design with what he calls the morphological box of the typogram.  “I have produced the diagram below in accordance with his instructions and, following his terminology, I have called it “the morphological box of the typogram.” In the short text it also showed images of his “box”.

Josef Müller-Brockmann says that design should be done with grids. For example, “The use of the grid as an ordering system is the expression of a certain mental attitude inasmuch as it shows that the designer conceives his work in terms that are constructive and oriented to the future.” He says working with the grid system will make it more organized and clear to work with.