Coca-Cola always seek to embrace the diversity that it molds each and every one of their advertising campaign. I choose to focus on the ad campaign ā€œShare A Cokeā€. They add ā€œ Share a Cokeā€¦ā€ and a person’s name is added on the label of the coke. This targets people of all backgrounds, people from around the world engaged with the coca-cola ad posting images and tagging people they know or seen with the name.

Advertising Week ā€˜Great Minds Think Unalikeā€™ Campaign promotes the mission of the annual week-long New York conference. The visual representation of a hand is used to tell a story. This simple picture holds a thousand words, it tells who each and every one of these persons are. The use of diverse skin color tells us that it’s targeting all races and all ethnic backgrounds.

This is an advertising campaign that Lā€™Oreal made to target the business world. They took a problem/idea that has constantly impact business and they used that as a way to give advice to present and future business to come. One may think that it’s targeting specifically males but it’s targeting the owners, managers, and all those in the business. They integrated their products to visually represent the statistics and demographics of the impact