Communication Design Theory

COMD3504 - Section OL01 - Fall 2020

Assignment 12


  • “Tschichold’s New Typography.” Graphic Design History, 2011,
  • “Jan Tschichold, Master Typographer of the 20th Century.” Creativepro, 2018,
  • “Experimental Jetset – About.” Experimental Jetset, 2020,
  • —. “Jan Tschichold: The Father of Modern Typography in His Own Words – TypeRoom.” Typeroom, 2020,
  • andy butler I designboom. “Experimental Jetset Interview.” Designboom | Architecture & Design Magazine, 12 Jan. 2014,
  • Legêne, By Meike, et al. “Archive: Experimental Jetset | Designblog.” DesignBlog, 2020,
  • Milosevic, Nikola. “Jan Tschichold | Widewalls.” Widewalls, 2013,
  • “Experimental Jetset | MoMA.” The Museum of Modern Art, 2020,

Assignment 11

Mainstream now is what is capturing the audience’s (us) attention from behind the screen or device but yet make us believe that the ‘industry’ is something so fascinating. Whereas, underground is basically the complete opposite. It’s is called underground for a reason because it is not ‘well-known/popular’ or better yet ‘not out in the public’. These terms are usually known when talking about music or anything apart of ‘the industry’, whether art/design or music. Not many are familiar with ‘underground’ but according to Steven Heller’s article, she mentions “Mass marketers steal ideas from visionaries, alter them in slightly if at all, then reissue them to the public as new products”. Basically, it is taking their visionary concepts then changing them around to then publicize them as their own. In comparison to contemporary design, I feel that it is mainstream because designs now still give a look of futurism. 

For my presentation, I speak about The Experimental Jetset in comparison with JanTschichold and how his ‘New Typography’ too inspiration into Jetset’s graphic identity with the 104 Manual and other designs. First, explaining who the Experimental Jetset is in a Prezi presentation with the following slide introducing the 104 Manual with sub slides giving a description of their graphic identity which includes, text, color, etc. Following with an intro of Jan Tschichold then comparison and contrast of their work, explaining what theories are in relation to their concept of work.


Assignment 4

Type is continuously progressing, and diverse textual styles tell a diverse story to the composition and photography is boundless, so the composition of the two brings a perpetual sum of thoughts, styles, and accounts. It also comes in contact with photo/photography where not only textually but visually see the story. Typography played an important role in the founding of the Bauhaus. It contributed to the ‘New-Typography’ through teachers such as Laszlo, Bayer, and Tschichold. Each played a particular role in their forms of type and communication to the audience using their own concept. This has much played a role in 21st-century art and design— before the digital age, typography was specialized associated with books, magazines. Fast forward to the modern-day, typography, and even photography is mostly associated with both the digital and print.

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