Broad and Narrow key color value

Broad key value
Broad key value


Narrow Value
Narrow Value

Painting with color was more fun than painting with black and white. While painting, you get a better understanding of what color really is and how it works, and what colors form together to create another color. It was very colorful…

So for both my broad and narrow key values, I added the complementary colors to red, blue, and yellow. When you mix the primary with the complementary colors you get this weird brown color, and it depends on which color you added more, so the brown may look a little red, green, or blue. At the end, my result was a bunch of muted colors that all seemed dark, so inevitably that belonged to the narrow key collage. I then converted these muted dark narrow key colors to broad, by just adding white to them. This time I used bigger shapes (and less) hence, broad. This took me 2 days to complete, but over all about 7 hours in total. It was a little difficult to put the shapes back together because A, I forgot where they belonged, and B, the glue was getting everywhere, and that was annoying. I’m about 30% satisfied with this, it not that good, but I’m a beginner, and I gave it what I got.

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