Sethe Apperance and Paul D’s Dogness

“Because of the Thirty- mile woman Sixo was not the only one not paralyzed yearning for Sethe. nothing could be as good as the sex with her Paul D had been imagining off and on for twenty five years … looked at this way, minus the polished eyes, her face was not so attractive” (Morrison 30).

Like every dog they’ll want a new toy but once you give them the toy they use it up and look at it as if it was repulsive and wasn’t worth the chase. In other words this is what Paul D did with Sethe. After he chased her for twenty five years, pretended to be her protector as if he was her friend, and she finally put her hurt into his hands he satisfied his own needs and disposed of her in his memory. Paul D wanted to know what Halle had and had to test the waters, he wanted to see the hype about, why Sixo walked Thirty miles to see this woman they call “thirty-mile” woman and when his needs was satisfied he didn’t need her anymore and Sethe saw his doggish was after too. She knew that Paul D was more interested to see what was in the quality of the ears of corns and wanted to examine it. Rather than admitting she was a little hurt by this she has a flashback of what her mother,  Baby Suggs, told her about men; “A man aint nothing but a man” and she was so right. Paul D appetite was fed and Sethe independence was lingering.


In Chapters 1-4 we see Johnathan Harker making his way to Transylvania to meet Dracula for a Business meeting about the real estate property he, {Dracula} is interested in buying. while on the train he describes the scenery, he says, “Before us lay a green sloping land full of forests and woods, with here and there steep hills, crowned with clumps of trees or with farmhouses, the blank gable end to the road. There was everywhere a bewildering mass of fruit blossom—apple, plum, pear, cherry; and as we drove by I could see the green grass under the trees spangled with the fallen petals.”(Stoker). Johnathan see his surroundings and it seems like a beautiful scenery to the readers. the reading then takes a turn within the chapters we see Johnathan expresses terror when he see the 3 women feeding on something in a sac that is moving he was in fear for his life that he passes out. Jonathan is torn between rationality and sanity. Ann Radcliff describes the sensation of horror and terror in her article, “The Fantastic”. “The Fantastic” is about the difference between terror and horror. she describes terror as, “Burke by his reasoning, anywhere looked to positive horror as a source of the sublime,
though they all agree that terror is a very high one; and where lies the great difference
between horror and terror, but in the uncertainty and obscurity, that accompany the
first, respecting the dreaded evil?” (Radcliff). terror is the Uncertainty that the person feel when the feel like they are going to encounter the worst feeling of terror, Obscurity.  While horror on the other hand is the actually encounter, for example, seeing a murderer pull out a knife, Immersion. This passage in Dracula connects to this definition of terror because Johnathan Harker’s character has encountered all of these literary definitions.


I get the sense of loneliness, repentance and betrayal. The scene where Matilda free Theodore and Theodore finds Isabella wondering in the woods and hid her in the cave promising that he would vow to protect her is a sublime scene because you have a dark, cold, wet cave we can see this same setting in Caleb Williams Excerpt that the Cell he was imprisoned in was small, damp no light and beneath the ground. These locations are more macabre than majestic because the settings around both stories are feeling alone or aggravating sense of discouragement. The characters in each story have their own sense of loneliness. Manfred had his own sense of loneliness after his son, Conrad, dies. He then becomes envious of Theodore for taking the throne. Manfred kills his own Daughter by accident and immediately wants to repent and be forgiving but by his past actions. Isabella is the damsel in Distress and is physically alone after she fled from the castle. Matilda has a sense of Isolation because her father wont approve of her to be betroth to Theodore. Theodore is completely isolated after he is put into the tower waiting to be killed until Matilda frees him. “The Castle of Otranto” has a Macabre spectrum because the sites and scenes are terrifying for the characters but they always seem to make the beauty out of it which also makes it majestic.