Blog Post 2- Freddie Clue

Lovecraft’s idea of horror and terror is defined as psychological manipulation. In chapter 6 the story starts off with the narrator and his team inside the unknown creatures’ territory. Finding themselves in this situation the narrator points out how he feels somewhat obsolete in this town they made. “The Cyclopean massiveness and giganticism of everything about us became curiously oppressive, and there was something vaguely but deeply unhuman in all the contours, dimensions, proportions, decorations, and constructional nuances of the blasphemously archaic stonework. We soon realized from what the carvings revealed that this monstrous city was many million years old.” Now how this connects with his idea of history and science is that what I believe is his interpretation of how much history has done and how much time has changed with the representation of the city that the creatures made. Even with today how we question things such as the pyramids or landmarks and how they got there. So I believe H.P Lovecraft’s idea of history and science is sort of questioning the proof.

Clue – Blog Post 2 Freddie Feria

To the idea of one’s limit towards “reason and deductive logic.” Dr. Seward’s observations of his patient Renfield is an example of how maybe both reason and deductive logic might be somewhat useless. We see that in chapter 5 he begins his research on him and learns that he has a “desire” for consumption and how it strengthens him. Of course, Dr. Seward sees this in a logical sense and classifies him as a “zoophagous.” But later we see that this changes when all of a sudden Renfield is trying to escape because something is calling for him. He becomes aggressive and is in a hurry to leave. He escapes and runs to Carfax to where Dracula’s new home is currently. This sort of behavior is quite interesting because these signs could only mean some sort of madness. Finally, we see that in Chapter 9 when Lucy is in fact in trouble of her health. Dr. Seward turns his attention to this situation and postpones his research on Renfield. Not understanding Renfield with his reasoning, it becomes infuriating on why his methods won’t be as useful to him. This is why I believe Stoker is trying to say in the world of Supernatural, there is a limit on what one can possibly try to understand with logic and reasoning. His studies on Renfield, in the beginning, he knew he might become dangerous because he’s careless, he understood that he wanted to become stronger by taking the life out of a living creature. And finally, when he started to follow what was calling him I think he kind of lost hope of understanding Renfield because he was just a crazy power-hungry individual. So in a sense, there isn’t enough understanding with logic and reasoning in the world of supernatural.

Create – Blog Post 2 Freddie Feria

Felix’s encounter with the monster

As I came back home from my walk with Safie and Agartha. I was shocked by hearing my father scream out. “Great God!” I hear from inside the cottage. I quickly hurried with swiftness to take care of what could have possibly been an emergency to take care of my blind father. I burst through the door to see this huge and disgusting monster grab my father’s arm. In pure horror, I can’t believe my eyes seeing this creature and how it looks. I turn to see that Safie has gone and Agartha also tremble to see this creature. As quickly as I had to make my move and try to save my father.  I grabbed whatever I had and quickly attacked this beast before my father would get injured. I tackled this great monster to the ground with force and started to beat him with a stick. I looked at him with a fury of protecting my family. He didn’t look normal to me, he had weird features that I’ve never seen. But I continued to attack this monster before I realized my attacks looked like it didn’t affect him but until he left the cottage in fear. My encounter with this beast was the most horrifying experience that I’ve never felt. I try to talk with my father and my sister Agartha to see if both were alright.

So the context of this paragraph is the idea of Felix being a man of the house. He is taking care of his father and his sister. But after coming from a walk with his love Safie and his sister Agartha, he hears his father exclaim out something, he’s quick to his aid and not understanding what’s going on. He acts upon saving his father from an intruder that he isn’t exactly sure what is. He saves his father and sister after he has the monster leave the cottage and to reconcile with his father and sister.