Angel Oquendo

Critical Response: Clue

With throwing out all the knowledge that I have of vampires, it made me realize how strange them and their habits are. Vampires are still scary even if you dont know what a vampire is. They sleep in coffins all day, have sharp teeth that stick out their mouths, drink blood, bite people, are unhealthy pale looking, and more. A vampire’s blood lust is violent and bit of the violence was showcased in chapter 11 when Renfeild attacked Seward. Renfield attacked Seward and cut his wrist with a dinner knife. Seward was bleeding everywhere so Renfield dropped to the floor and was licking the blood up like a dog. Science would write off Renfield as being insane and do what they have been doing to him so far, locking him up. 

Vampires have sharp teeth that they use to taunt and suck blood. In chapter 12, Lucy was sleeping and being observed by Professor Van Helsing and Holmwood and they noticed that she looked stronger but at the same time looked like she was dying and they noticed her sharpened canine teeth pointing out of her mouth. I dont think science can explain her condition. I looked up if there were any diseases or sicknesses that cause teeth to grow and sharpen. Doctors would also be puzzled as to how is she dying a slow and unexplainable death but somehow becoming physically stronger. Religious people might say that she is being possessed by the devil because of how scary her teeth are becoming and how she’s sick without a cause or diagnostic. 

In chapter 15, Van Helsing and Seward were doing some detective work on Lucy and went to open her casket on one night and saw that she wasnt there in her casket. The next night they go back to check her casket and shes back in it with even longer vampire teeth. Science and religion can explain this as someone is graverobbing and stole her body and then put it back. Van Helsing is an open minded doctor and first assumed that she was grave robbed but then thought of the supernatural and took into consideration everything that is happening and concluded to Seward that he believes that Lucy is an undead vampire and is getting out of her gave at night to attack people. 

Angel Oquendo

Professor Kwong

ENG 3407


Critical Response

In both gothic stories, Castle of Otranto and The Fall of the House of Usher deal and mention paintings. The authors of these stories seem to be heavily affected by paintings in their lives to the point to write stories mentioning them. In Castle of Otranto, There was a painting made by Alfonso of his son, Theodore that was adored and evaluated for hours by the some of the women of the story, Matilda and Isabella. In The Fall of the House of Usher, there are also paintings, paintings created by a mentally unstable man by the name of Roderick Usher. Like the painting of Theodore in Castle of Otranto, the paintings that Roderick Usher produces are so realistic that it made himself “shudder” and exclaim about how they are as “vivid as their images before me”. Although these paintings are beautifully realistic, it is scary to Roderick as much as it is beautiful. The painting is uncanny to Roderick and affects him mentally and physically. He creates his paintings when he his hurting and concerning himself about his health. 

On page five, Roderick goes to create a painting and it starts with an ominous white tunnel that is shaded along the edges to make it seem like it is so far underground that it has never seen the light of the sun. The tunnel is low hanging with smooth white walls. Light rays are beaming through the tunnel but it is unclear as to where the light is coming from. 

A small picture presented the interior of an immensely long and rectangular vault or tunnel, with low walls, smooth, white, and without interruption or device.”