Beloved 180-258

“Funny how you lose sight of some things and memory others. I never will forget that whitegirl’s hands. Amy. But I forget the color of all that hair on her head. Eyes must have been gray, though. Seem like I do rememory that. Mrs. Garner’s was light brown–while she was well. Got dark when she took sick. A strong woman, used to be.”

Beloved is referring back to her memories. She mentions never forgetting Amy’s hands, possibly during the time when Amy helped her when crossing the river. I realized that Beloved remembered Amy not because she was white, but because of her actions. This goes to show that a little goes a long way, be it a small favor of gesture or a deed of a lifetime. Beloved’s of memory of Mrs.Garner also proves that kindness isn’t short lived. Rather than treating slaves poorly like Schoolteacher, Mrs.Garner was kind to all and on one occasion, even gave Sethe a pair of crystal earrings as a wedding gift.

From the beginning until the end, memories are very influenced. People perceived in a negative way are often forgotten while people who are perceived in a positive way are remembered. For Beloved to say that its funny to lose sight of things and memory others, she simply means that we tend to memorize the good parts of our lives.

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