Gothic Spaces: Some notes on presentation + notes

Hi all,

Hope you are well. Thank you to everyone who submitted their group’s work and/or their notes today. Some general feedback:

  1. I’m a bit concerned by how few people have completed observation notes on their group’s space. The assignment directions read: “1 page minimum of notes you’ve taken as you explored the space, either
    virtually or physically.” We discussed these notes last week and I provided a detailed handout elaborating on what to look for in your observations. They should record your own responses to features of the space, whether you’re observing it via video or playing a game.  As always, when you are confused about the requirements for a given assignment, please contact me directly.
  2. Please include “in-slide” citations that can be cross-referenced with the works cited page. The procedure is the same as that of an essay: next to a direct quote or paraphrase, please include the author’s name in brackets, and, where relevant, page numbers.
  3. The script of what you want to say should go in the speaker box, not on the slide itself. Exploit the visual nature of the slide – it’s fine to include text there, but don’t overwhelm the viewer.
  4. I’ve included more specific comments in each slide presentation, so please check there for further details.

Looking forward to seeing your presentations on Thursday!


Professor Kwong

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