Instructions for November 12 class

-Go to the computer lab in the General building or a computer in the Library. Log in and open up your common Slides presentation. By the end of today’s class:

A. Please upload a JPG of your observation notes to Dropbox. I am expecting a minimum of 1 page of notes detailing your observations of the space. You can resubmit on Thursday if for whatever reason your observation notes need extra work.

B. Also, each member of the group should be granted access to the Slides presentation. Each member should have 1 slide in progress by the end of the period. At a minimum, your slide should include:

1) A header;

2) One image, video, diagram (still from video game or film? Screen shot of text? Illustration from early edition of text? Blueprint? Exterior shot of real location? Interior image?)

3) a brief caption indicating its relevance to your part of the presentation + link;

4) 3 bullet points in the Speaker Notes that will eventually become your script, in which you expand on the significance of the image. Quality over quantity: when identifying historical or architectural details, try to be specific. Include your name in the speaker notes.

Eventually, each member should aim for a minimum of 2 slides in the presentation. Also, each group will need to include a properly formatted citation for this source in your works cited page.

You can watch this video for reference as you begin constructing your presentation.

C. One person from each group should send me a link to the in-progress version of the presentation (click on the “Share” icon in the right upper hand corner, NOT “publish to web”).

-Missing slides will result in participation demerits. Extra work beyond the above will earn extra participation credit.

-Write me by email during the period if you have questions!

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