Critical Response Prompts: At The Mountains of Madness, III-V

Each of the prompts should be answered by at least 1 member of blog group 2. Please confer amongst yourselves as to who will write which prompt.  (Each member should try to do a different category than the one(s) they’ve already done!) Responses should be at least 250 words and posted by 11 am the day of class. Please remember to select the appropriate Blog category before posting.

CLUE. Pick one detail related to any of the following:

-plot (a major event that amps up conflict, or revelation that provides key backstory)

-point of view (a moment where the narrator shows his limits, or moves between describing what he knew “then” and what he knows “now”)

-setting (descriptions of atmosphere or geography)

Write about how that detail might provide a clue as to the story’s perspective on any of the themes we’ve discussed in class: tampering with nature, American conquest of the unknown, and/or the inability of scientific language to adequately “explain” what the narrator encounters.


CONNECT. Pick a passage and connect it to any of the texts we’ve discussed in this class so far. It could be a point of contrast or a parallel. Make sure you expand on the comparison, beyond simply saying “it’s the same” or “it differs.”

CREATE. Draw a visual representation of any of the scenes in this section. It doesn’t have to be intensely detailed, but it should be a bit more involved than the visual annotations we did last class. Upload it as a JPG, and in 3-4 sentences, explain what the picture represents. Include direct quotes that refer to the text of the story.

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