Announcements: Finishing Your Paper; Lovecraft Visual Annotations

Hi class,

Best wishes as you finish your first graded paper this term. Some useful links:

Assignment description

Handout on macrostructure and microstructure of a literary analysis essay

Sample literary analysis article on M.R. James if you’re looking for concrete examples

In-class board notes

-Your partner’s peer review comments

As mentioned in class, please print a copy and bring to class with your partner’s peer review comments stapled to the back. Please also upload a Word doc to this Dropbox file request.

Good luck! Below are some of your visual annotations for “At The Mountains Of Madness.” I hope the exercise gave you a different strategy for “breaking into” a text and engaging with its multiple meanings. Some of the detail here is really perceptive.

Ayshe:Ayshe's annotations on At The Mountains Of Madness

Angel:Angel Oquendo annotation for "At The Mountains Of Madness"


Katie Lynch visual annotation for "At The Mountains Of Madness"

Brian Chan Annotation for "At The Mountains Of Madness"


Kerri Cripps Visual Annotation for "At The Mountains Of Madness"


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