Announcements for Tuesday, October 15

Dear class,

Some reminders for this week:

Bring Parts I and II of “At The Mountains of Madness” to class on Thursday. This reading is available in the “Readings” folder. You do not need to read beforehand, but you should have the paper in hand.

-Bring your filled-out peer review sheet for your partner, as well as your partner’s draft. Your partner will attach your comments to their final draft, and you’ll do the same for them. Your peer review response is a factor in determining your final grade for this unit. I estimate this should take about 30 minutes.

-Work on your own paper. Refer to the assignment description and the Essay 1 proposal you filled out 2 weeks ago. I estimate you should be spending about 1.5-2 hrs on this task before Thursday.

-Below are the groups for your Gothic Spaces presentations:

Video Game group: Kerri, Brian, Jeremy, Freddie

Movie/TV group: Katie, Fahima, Afeisha, Christina
Real Life Haunted/Gothic Space group:
Fareena, Janiya, Angel, Ayshe, Sierra
As I mentioned in class, those who were present at the start of class chose a category of Gothic space to examine. If you weren’t there at the start of class, you have been placed in a group. In November, your group will present on one space in a video game, film/TV show, or real life that can be analyzed through the lens of the Gothic. More information about this project will be forthcoming, but you might spend some time (perhaps 10-15 mins) thinking about particular video game spaces, cinematic/TV show spaces, or real architectural spaces that interest you.

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