Starting off this semester I had a very limited knowledge of what anything thing was or how to handle anything. Now that the semester is over I feel like I have gained the skills that I will need in the outside world either as a TD or anything else that I can get my hands on. For Analyzing scene design drawings and generate shop drawings for scenic elements that can be best show cased in Problem 3 with the jack layout and design. By analyzing what space we had and what was given to us in the drawings, I had to create a jack that could fit in between the space and be enough support to prevent the wall from shaking. For Technical solutions, problem 4 can show case that with the labor sheet. I had to create a solution to fit enough hours in so that people could finish all the work that needed to be done but keep it so that we wouldn’t go over budget. For produce planning and tracking paperwork you can see it in all my problems (when you click the link that is attached to it) and overall I have learned a lot of new skills that I definitely didn’t have when I started this class.