My groups problem was making sure that we schedule enough time to build the stairs, load in the deck and stairs, strike the first show and have enough time to set up for the next show in the alloted time while also scheduling enough people in to take care of the task. I think our group did a good job at understanding the problem correctly and were able to solve the problem to the best of our abilities. The main issues that were at stake were making sure that we scheduled enough time for everything to be completed. I feel that for this problem in particular that nothing really was the dominate part. I feel that every part of the process had equal focus. Through one’s own experience in Tech Production, we can calculate how long it will take to load in materials from the truck to the shop, how long it will take to build both set of stairs, how long it will take to load everything into the theater and calculate how many people it will take to get everything done. Plus we can calculate from current tech production records of how many people show up on a daily basis to predict the amount of people that will show up for a future call. I would say that there was no hard part. I felt that this was a relatively easy problem that I had no problem with. I would say that this whole project was easy. I was in charge of the scheduling which I always enjoy doing and have no problem dealing with. I believed our group as a whole worked really well on this project because well all worked on areas that we enjoyed.
Similar real world situations would be that a theater would have multiple shows that are booked relatively close together that require close load in times and strike times. Things that would be different would be that different shows would use the same stage unless they planned it that way, but I find it hard to believe especially for a fashion show. The designer would pick out what they would do for the design instead of us.
I learned to trust the person who’s had the best experience to guide me in all the right directions. The next time I have a problem that I don’t entirely have the full on solution for I would ask the expert and definitely listen to them because they would know better than me.