The problem that our group came up with was creating instructions so that the stage hand could follow them and complete within the required amount of time and within the budget that we had. I think our group did a very good job in understanding what the problem was on the first time and I don’t think we would of changed it at all. The main issues was trying not to go over budget and creating instructions that would help the stagehand create a sandwich in under 10 min. The instructions is where our main focus was as well as the look of the sandwich. Our problem solving strategy was to go step by step so that a baby could understand it. The hard part was deciding on how simple to make it and what worked vs. what didn’t work. The easy part was was picking out all the materials that we needed and to keep it under budget. The designer drawing drawings worked the ingredients work but the instructions kind of worked but not really.
Some of the real world applications that could apply to this is that missing one or two things from being delivered can be very costly, communication is very critical for success, and that it very important to make sure that things fit into the truck and should be measured first before making any decisions. Some differences would have to be paying for transportation to load all the stuff in and we would probably have a client. Things that are different from the real world would be that safety wasn’t a big issue, we didn’t have to account for long transportation cost, we had unlimited free labor, and we didn’t really have a designer or a client.
What I learned from this problem was to not over complicate things because, in our case, we created a mountain of instructions that almost cost us all of our time. Our team just assumed that this person had never seen or eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before in the sense that they were not the brightest on the block. So I learned that you should never assume or over complicate things because simple is always better and easier and still gets the job done. I will try to not over complicate the steps or the process of what we are going to solve because this has been done before and I know that there are better solutions than just coming up with my own complicated version. I feel that this will be very similar to any experiences when I will have to become a team leader and give out instructions to someone.