
Visit one of the Brooklyn Smorgasburg markets on a Saturday or Sunday (see for locations).

Your assignment:

  • Eat something. Tell us what it was, describe it in detail.
  • What else tempted you? Why didn’t you try it? Was it the price, the line, the portion size?
  • Is there anything you would not be willing to try? What’s the most unusual food on offer.
  • Note the kinds of customers you see there.
  • Give special emphasis to the manner in which products are handled, organized and sold and how this differs among vendors.
  • Discuss price/value/quality quotient. Be specific about prices, dishes and menus.
  • Use an introduction, body, conclusion format to the blog post. It should be about 250 words. Make sure to that spelling and grammar are correct.
  • Assignment is due Nov 7.

To create a post:

  • Click on the plus (+) at the top of this page and choose  “post”
  • Once the post is created click the correct category (Smorgasburg Blogs) and then finally click “Publish.”
  • Please note that it shows up both on the home page and “Smorgasburg Blogs” submenu.
  • Also note that if you navigate away from the page without hitting “Publish” you will lose everything!