Author Archives: Wilson

Field Trip Blog- Wilson Cordero

Sustainability is the process of something being used but never completely used up, it keeps going. This should be true for farming and is in some cases but not in greater scales like in the article supersize shows and in the video seen in class. The problem with bigger and greater farms is all the resources used that cant sustain its self. The amount of water they use is too much to keep up with so the farms are not sustainable and actually not good for the environment like smaller farms. Also in the other article Big Food Strikes Back it states that the agricultural part actually has more green house gas production than the transportation part.

On the other hand the smaller farms like the Brooklyn Grange that our class visited actually help the community. It doesn’t use a lot of anything so it can be easily sustained. It has close to none of green house gases and no carbon footprint. It does this because there’s no long distance to take the fresh produce and since its on a smaller scale there’s no massive amount of water being used or pesticides being used at all.  This type of local farming is better than the big farms out west in basically every way possible.