Author Archives: Valeria Trejos

Valeria Trejos – Smorgasburg

When I plan on eating outside its usually the same meal or something close to it. So when I went to the Smorgasburg in Williamsburg, Brooklyn my choice where limited. It was a windy day and a bit cold and because of that there was only two vendors that day. My only choices where C Bao Asian Buns & Bubble Tea and Duck Season. I picked Duck Season.

Duck season was a stand in which they sold duck with there meals. I picked their Season fries which had duck fat fries with duck confit and Demi-Glace. It had a salty but sweet flavor to it, I’m not sure what was in it that made it taste sweet but it was something new for me because I have never tried duck before. After a couple of minutes later I got tired of the flavor because it became to much for me the flavor of one moment its a bit sweet then salty then sweet again and in the end I didn’t finish it. The price for it was $10 at first I though it was worth the money but as the taste became too much for me I regretted buying it and I only ate like half of what they served which was a decent amount for all the things it had in it. I was tempted at first to try the C Bao but what they had was something I am kind of familiar with like the Korean Bulgogi Beef, Grilled Pork, and Grilled chicken. They had a better price but the portions didn’t seem enough.

Even though that day wasn’t the best considering the temperature and winds there where people mostly they were people who didn’t mind wasting a bit of money on the amount of food they were getting and lines were average not to long and the waiting time to get your order was also average from 3-5 minutes on both vendors. The set up the vendors had were all in containers and had garbage bins near them. Would I try the duck fries again probably not ill try something else but not from the same vendor.


Field Trip Post – Valeria Trejos

Having sustainability in our agriculture and making the right choices on how we keep that sustainability is important because it insures the right market and who will be the people to buy the product. Sometimes using pesticides to protect the produce is not always a good thing. One reason is that those insects or pest that feeds off certain things adapts to the pesticide and the farmers have to make a stronger version of what they used. Another example is about how pesticides are contributing to the killings of bees. Sometimes using different types of chemicals to help your produce is not always the best choice. Farming organically or with out the use of chemicals or any other kind of pesticides is less more harmful to the produce and finding ways that are less harmful to keep insects from hurting the produce is a better choice in which those insects wont die or become extinct. Farmers who do there own growing of produce in this safer way should be helped to expand and keep practicing this safer way and healthier way of farming to make products to sell and provide a healthier living style, especially when one of the biggest concerns with americas way of using corn for almost anything and being in almost every ingredient causes health issues is not a very stabled life. To prevent the extinctions of bees and others insects that actually helps our produce. We need to think again what sustainability means to each farmer and how its used and to reevaluate how to keep balance in the food we sell.