Author Archives: chuniram

On Saturday November 5, I visited Smorgasburg. A place full of tourist and all kind of different food sold from vendors. The trip took me about an hour to get there, but it was worth it getting to taste the food there and comparing it to regular food that I buy outside. I brought an original jianbing, watching as the vendor prepare it was the best part but then there is the taste, in one bit you can taste the eggs and scallions along the cracker which is cover in a sweet a savory Sause and with their homemade chili Sause which I think gave it that extra taste all rap in a batter for only $8. It was one of the most amazing dish I ate I brought 2 of them and took one home for my mom to try and she was amaze with it just like I was. To know that all this kind of food is only an hour away and didnā€™t know about it made me a little angry but it was a trip worth going and I will be going back with my friend in the future to share my experience with them.

Field Trip Blog

In downtown Brooklyn, there is a magnificent rooftop garden, it is about an acre long as has many vegetables growing. During my trip, I saw the different kind of plant such as eggplants, cabbage, and lettuce. This was the first time I saw a rooftop garden; I was shock to see and learn how they could maintain such a garden. According to the professor they have a wide drainage system for rain water to run off, but the plant absorbs most to it and the plants get a lot of sunlight due to the hight of the building. During the winter, there is little greenhouses to grow new plants for the spring. All these plants are taking care by hands and not by machines like those in the movie ā€œAmerica revealed food machineā€, where the land is larger and are required to be taking care by machines. These machine crop use fertilizers and pesticidesĀ to help grow their crop faster. Most of America use these crops rather than local growing crops, these crops are also altered and some donā€™t like the idea of that which is why they buy from local gardener. Local crops are much healthier than the machine crops, but not many have the time to grow or go out and buy these vegetables. Planting your own rooftop garden can save you a lot of money and a trip to the supermarket, plus you know that its healthy because youā€™re the one growing it. And on the other hand you will be helping the environment unlike the machine crops, they burn allot of fuel and are required to travel great distance, this can be consider one of the biggest greenhouse gas problem. Other the other hand food made from these subsidized corn, soy, feedlot meat and processed food of all kind is one of the leading factor in the rise of heath care cost. President Obama is concerned that the agriculture sector is producing more greenhouse gas than the transportation sector, and is now creating sky high prices and leads in contributing to type 2 diabetes, stoke, and heart disease. President Obama promises to work to fix this and solve our problem with the federal clean air and clean water acts.