Author Archives: Amethyst Chiaramonte

Amethyst Chiaramonte Sustainability

Amethyst Chiaramonte

Professor Krondl

HMGT 1102

December 5, 2016


The definition of sustainability according to Barton Seaver is the capacity we endure and maintain our supplies of seafood. The reason we need to be “sustainable” is so that we can provide our ecosystem with a replenishing amount of fish, instead of wiping out our oceans. It is important to know that being sustainable does not support the farming of fish. About half of the fresh and frozen consumed is farmed rather than caught wildly. There is a heavy amount of cons that come along with farmed fish with little to none pros.

We would want to source seafood sustainably for many reasons. One of which being: it’s better for our ecosystem. Each day we take about a half of a billion pounds of fish from the ocean. According the the video, it’s not only about how many fish we retrieve, but how we do it. It’s considered unethical the way most fisherman catch these fish. Nets dragging along the seafloor kill these animals homes.

Buying sustainably is a large difference we can make in what is being produced for our markets. If we all chip in and buy local, or support the sustainable consumption of fish, it would help our ecosystem drastically. The first video discusses an app we can use to help us. It gives information on where the fish is from, if it’s farmed or wild, and etcetera. Another suggestion the video mentioned is to ask your supermarket men who work with fish where it’s from, and show them that you care. Showing your care can help change this progressing issue.

Smorgasburg – Amethyst Chiaramonte

Amethyst Chiaramonte

Smorgasburg is a seasonal event that takes place in Brooklyn on Saturdays and Sundays at two separate locations. I decided to go to the Saturday Smorgasburg in Williamsburg. The Smorgasburg featured many Asian food stands, as well as having a variety of different cuisines. This seemed like a local attraction to me, it brought in many families with children. Every dish looked delicious, but the two items that caught my eye were the “raindrop cake” and the “ramen burger”. I’ve heard of this ramen burger before but the prices of the items weren’t convincing enough. The portions were very small in comparison to the prices. Dishes ranged from about eight to twelve dollars. Do not come here hungry. This would be a nice place to visit if one is just in the mood for a quick bite. Dishes were served in brown paper packaging, which is convenient for on the go use. Although it was a friendly environment, it seemed as if there was some sort of tension between vendors. Each vendor had something unique that the other vendors didn’t, which is bound to happen in an event like this. I would recommend this event to families, couples, friends, or even a single person trip. It appeared to be an attraction for hipsters, most likely because it was located in Williamsburg. The customers were not very diverse and seemed to be middle class. The environment felt friendly and comfortable. I would recommend the Smorgasburg to foodies or any family looking to get out of town. img_0051img_0047img_0039img_0049